for different kinds of informations.
Fetch Application Inventory using Systems Manager
We need a way to report on âsoftware versionsâ deployed to Cloud.
Get application inventory from each EC2 instance and store it in centralized account S3 bucket. To query the information from s3 bucket, we are integrating Glue, Athena (from another account).
Proposed Architecture
Implementation Procedure
- Enable system manager inventory in (PROD/NONPROD) each account (one-time activity)
- Create S3 bucket in centralised account to receive logs from system manager (one-time activity)
- Create resource data sync in each account (PROD/NONPROD) to send the log to centralised bucket (one-time activity)
- Create Lambda function in centralised account to assign object level permission to each object if the analytical services are running in different account, so object level permission needs to be updated (work around given by AWS)
- Configure Glue and Athena in required account to query the S3 bucket (s3://ssm-application-inventory-logs).
Enable System Manager inventory in each account
Its a one time activity in each account , we have to enable this feature using AWS console.
Glue Details
Create Glue crawler, Glue database and Table in required account to match the ssm inventory output.
Athena Query
- This service is enabled in a different account.
Run Crawler For Latest Report
- To get latest report we have to run Glue crawler manually. Post successful execution, follow the Athena examples.
- To fetch whole inventory details from all the accounts, use the below query.
SELECT * from aws_application
- To fetch application wise instance details use the below queryâââreplace âjava%â with your application name.
SELECT, java.version, a.resourceid, accountid
FROM âssm-inventory-crawler-dbâ.âaws_applicationâ a, (select distinct (resourceid), version, name from âssm-inventory-crawler-dbâ.âaws_applicationâ where name like âjava%â) java
where a.resourceid = java.resourceid
order by a.resourceid
- To fetch custom inventory library like âpythonâ using Athena,
SELECT * FROM âssm-inventory-crawler-dbâ.âcustom_python2librariesâ;
To fetch custom inventory library like ânpmâ using Athena,
SELECT * FROM âssm-inventory-crawler-dbâ.âcustom_nodejsnpmâ;
Run Query in an automated way using Lambda
- You can use below python script to query Athena every month day 1 using CloudWatch event rule and Lambda.
import boto3
import datetime
import os
import json
import logging
# boto3.setup_default_session(profile_name='saml',region_name='ap-southeast-1')
logger = logging.getLogger()
def poll_status(_id, message):
athena= boto3.client('athena',region_name='ap-southeast-1')
result = athena.get_query_execution( QueryExecutionId = _id )
state = result['QueryExecution']['Status']['State']
while state == "QUEUED":
result = athena.get_query_execution( QueryExecutionId = _id )
state = result['QueryExecution']['Status']['State']
while state == "RUNNING":
result = athena.get_query_execution( QueryExecutionId = _id )
state = result['QueryExecution']['Status']['State']
if state == "FAILED":"FAILED-LOG: {} ".format(result))
# return result
else:"SUCCESS-LOG : {} ".format(result))
sns_arn = os.environ["SNS_ARN"] #"arn:aws:sns:ap-southeast-1:928167378288:application-inventory-logs"
notification= _sns_notification(sns_arn,message)
return result
def run_query(query, database, s3_output):
client = boto3.client('athena',region_name='ap-southeast-1')
response = client.start_query_execution(
'Database': database
'OutputLocation': s3_output,
print('Execution ID: ' + response['QueryExecutionId'])
QueryExecutionId = response['QueryExecutionId']
return QueryExecutionId
# local_filename = QueryExecutionId + '.csv'
def _sns_notification(snsarn,message):
client = boto3.client('sns')
response = client.publish(TargetArn=snsarn,Message=json.dumps({'default': json.dumps(message)}),MessageStructure='json')
logger.warning("SNS-NOTIFICATION : {} ".format(response))
return response
def lambda_handler(event, context):
#Athena configuration
s3_output = os.environ['ATHENA_OUTPUT_BUCKET'] #'s3://athena-query-result-logs/result/'
database = os.environ['GLUE_DB'] #'ssminventorycrawlerdb'
table = os.environ["GLUE_TABLE"] #'aws_application' #
app_search = os.environ["APPLICATION_LIST"] # "java% python% node%" #
app_list= app_search.split(' ')
sns_arn = "arn:aws:sns:ap-southeast-1:928167378288:application-inventory-logs" #os.environ["SNS-ARN"]
#Athena database and table definition
#Query definitions & Execute all queries
python_library = "SELECT * FROM "'"%s"'"."'"%s"'" ;" % (database, "custom_python2libraries")
npm_librarary = "SELECT * FROM "'"%s"'"."'"%s"'" ;" % (database, "custom_nodejsnpm")
all_app = "SELECT * FROM "'"%s"'"."'"%s"'" ;" % (database, table)
queries = [ python_library, npm_librarary, all_app ]
for qa in queries:
print("Executing query: %s" % (qa))
resp = run_query(qa, database, s3_output)"QUERY-ID: {} ".format(resp))
s3_key = resp + '.csv'
message= {"Application-Inventory": s3_key,"Bucket-Details": s3_output,"App-name":qa}"MESSAGE-DETAILS : {} ".format(message))
result = poll_status(resp, message)
for app in app_list:
specific_app = ("""SELECT, java.version, a.resourceid, accountid
FROM "%s"."%s" a, (select distinct (resourceid), version, name from "%s"."%s" where name like '%s') java
where a.resourceid = java.resourceid
order by a.resourceid """) % (database, table,database, table,app)
# queries = [ python_library, npm_librarary, all_app, specific_app ]
# for q in queries:
print("Executing query: %s" % (specific_app))
res = run_query(specific_app, database, s3_output)"QUERY-ID: {} ".format(res))
s3_key = res + '.csv'
messages= {"Application-Inventory": s3_key,"Bucket-Details": s3_output,"App-name":specific_app}"MESSAGE-DETAILS : {} ".format(messages))
results = poll_status(res, messages)
if __name__ == '__main__':
lambda_handler("event", "context")
- Custom Inventory:
- CFN resource data sync:
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