for different kinds of informations.
Say No to Mouse: Vs code shortcuts for easing coding
Using keyboard shortcuts in VS Code can greatly improve your productivity by reducing the need for a mouse and speeding up navigation, editing, and other common tasks. Here’s a list of some essential VS Code shortcuts and tricks to help you code more efficiently:
1. Basic Navigation
Open Command Palette:
Ctrl + Shift + P
(orCmd + Shift + P
on Mac)
Quickly access commands or search for actions.Open File/Folder:
Ctrl + P
(orCmd + P
on Mac)
Quickly open a file by typing its name.Toggle Sidebar (Explorer, Search, etc.):
Ctrl + B
(orCmd + B
on Mac)
Hide or show the sidebar to save screen space.-
Navigate Between Open Tabs:
Next Tab:
Ctrl + Tab
Previous Tab:
Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Next Tab:
Go to Definition:
Jumps to the definition of a function, variable, or class.Peek Definition:
Alt + F12
(orOption + F12
on Mac)
Opens a small window with the definition without navigating away.Go to Line:
Ctrl + G
(orCmd + G
on Mac)
Jump to a specific line in the current file.Open/Close Integrated Terminal:
Ctrl + ~
(orCmd + ~
on Mac)
Quickly toggle the integrated terminal.
2. Editing Shortcuts
Copy Line Up/Down:
Alt + Shift + Up/Down
(orOption + Shift + Up/Down
on Mac)
Copy the current line up or down.Move Line Up/Down:
Alt + Up/Down
(orOption + Up/Down
on Mac)
Move the current line or block of code up or down.Delete Line:
Ctrl + Shift + K
(orCmd + Shift + K
on Mac)
Instantly delete the current line.Duplicate Line:
Shift + Alt + Down
(orShift + Option + Down
on Mac)
Duplicate the selected line or block of code.Select All Occurrences of Word:
Ctrl + D
(orCmd + D
on Mac)
Select the next occurrence of the word under the cursor for multi-cursor editing.Select All Occurrences in File:
Ctrl + Shift + L
(orCmd + Shift + L
on Mac)
Select all instances of the selected word or variable in the file.Expand/Contract Selection:
Shift + Alt + Right/Left
(orCmd + Shift + Right/Left
on Mac)
Expand or shrink the selection based on syntax context (useful for selecting entire functions, blocks, or HTML tags).-
Multi-Cursor Editing:
Add Cursor Below:
Ctrl + Alt + Down
(orCmd + Option + Down
on Mac) -
Add Cursor Above:
Ctrl + Alt + Up
(orCmd + Option + Up
on Mac) This allows you to add multiple cursors for editing in multiple places at once.
Add Cursor Below:
Jump to Matching Bracket:
Ctrl + Shift + </code> (or
Cmd + Shift + </code> on Mac)
Moves the cursor to the matching bracket (useful for nested code).
3. Refactoring and Code Formatting
Rename Symbol:
Renames the selected symbol throughout the codebase.Format Document:
Shift + Alt + F
(orCmd + Option + F
on Mac)
Automatically formats the entire document based on the language’s conventions (can be configured in settings).Auto-Import Suggestions:
Ctrl + .
(orCmd + .
on Mac)
Show quick fix options like importing a missing module.Toggle Comment Line:
Ctrl + /
(orCmd + /
on Mac)
Quickly comment/uncomment a line.Comment/Uncomment Block:
Shift + Alt + A
(orCmd + Option + A
on Mac)
Comment or uncomment an entire block of code.
4. Search and Replace
Ctrl + F
(orCmd + F
on Mac)
Opens the search box to find text in the current document.Find and Replace:
Ctrl + H
(orCmd + H
on Mac)
Opens the search and replace panel.Find All Occurrences in Workspace:
Ctrl + Shift + F
(orCmd + Shift + F
on Mac)
Searches for text across the entire workspace.Replace in Files:
Ctrl + Shift + H
(orCmd + Shift + H
on Mac)
Replaces occurrences across files in the workspace.
5. File and Workspace Management
Quickly Toggle Between Open Editors:
Ctrl + 1, 2, 3...
Switch between multiple editor groups using the number keys.New File:
Ctrl + N
(orCmd + N
on Mac)
Creates a new file.Close Current Editor:
Ctrl + W
(orCmd + W
on Mac)
Closes the current tab/editor.Split Editor:
Ctrl + \
(orCmd + \
on Mac)
Splits the editor into multiple views.Reopen Closed Tab:
Ctrl + Shift + T
(orCmd + Shift + T
on Mac)
Reopens the last closed tab.Cycle Between Editors:
Ctrl + PageUp/PageDown
Switches between open tabs.
6. Git and Source Control
Open Git View:
Ctrl + Shift + G
(orCmd + Shift + G
on Mac)
Opens the Git source control view.Stage All Changes:
Ctrl + Shift + A
Stages all the changed files for commit.Commit Staged Changes:
Ctrl + Enter
(orCmd + Enter
on Mac)
Commits staged changes with a message.View Git Diff:
Ctrl + D
Opens a diff view to compare file changes.
7. Terminal Shortcuts
New Terminal Instance:
Ctrl + Shift +
(orCmd + Shift +
on Mac)
Opens a new terminal window.Switch Terminal Tabs:
Ctrl + PageUp/PageDown
Move between multiple terminal tabs.Focus on Terminal:
Ctrl +
(orCmd +
on Mac)
8. Extensions & Debugging
Open Extensions View:
Ctrl + Shift + X
(orCmd + Shift + X
on Mac)
Opens the Extensions sidebar where you can install or manage extensions.Start Debugging:
Starts the debugger based on the selected configuration.Step Over:
Steps over to the next line during debugging.Step Into:
Steps into the function during debugging.
Tips & Tricks for Efficiency
Zen Mode:
Ctrl + K Z
(orCmd + K Z
on Mac)
Enter Zen Mode to remove all distractions (hide all sidebars, status bars, and tabs).Change All Occurrences: Select a word and press
Ctrl + Shift + L
(orCmd + Shift + L
on Mac) to select all occurrences in the file, making bulk edits faster.Go to File Symbol: Press
Ctrl + Shift + O
(orCmd + Shift + O
on Mac) to jump to functions, classes, or symbols within a file.
By mastering these shortcuts and tricks, you'll be able to navigate, edit, and refactor code more quickly, reducing the reliance on the mouse and enhancing your overall productivity.
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