for different kinds of informations.
What problem does Blockchain try to solve?
The problem it solves is on the Bitcoin genesis block itself.
"The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks."
Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous inventor of Bitcoin, included this message from a Times newspaper article on the day the block was produced. It both timestamped the beginning or Bitcoin and the start of a new era.
When the problem is not well understood, “fancy solutions” only create new problems. Conversely, the more we understand the problem, the more likely we understand the root cause and can create countermeasures so the problem won't recur.
Bitcoin was invented to solve the problem of irresponsible monetary actions in the hands of short term idiot politicians and greedy to the bone bankers, abusing the trust we handed them and devaluating the money over the years to -99% of what it was worth when it was taken off the gold standard.
Nothing has changed ever since, with the huge surges in money printing in the US and around the world anything you have of money is worth less than the paper it was printed on. Middleman still abuse their trust and most of the people are fine with it, they give away so much for a little short term convinience.
The internet has a trust problem. And middle man like Bankers, corporations and politicians have explotited and abused that trust for far too long.
Blockchain helps streamline the entire trust process by being transparent and inmutable, effectively cutting out any need for middlemen. Imagine a world without corruption, no hacks or scams. Where there is no need for institutions because its all automatically run by the Blockchain. A truly world inclusive market, with no need to know or trust others because the trust is built in the system you are using. Thats a world I woul like for myself and others.
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