for different kinds of informations.
Help me understand how Hedera (or any DLT) is integrated into the metaverse?
Right now we have centralized 2d and 3d metaverses. These places are the new social network. Its where your kids friends are at, where they hang out play and escape.
If you have a kid, or a nephew under 13 years old you can ask them and see just how they are already living out in the future and all of us boomers trying to play catch up.
Just ask them "What do they want for this years birthday gift?"
Its not toys, candy, video games. I can bets its either one of these three coins;
Roblox's Rubox coins
Minecraft's minecoins
Fortnite's Vbucks
Player Unknowned battleground's G-coins
Most of these centralized metaverse places, have their own coin much like Hbars for Hedera.
You buy these using InApp Google Play, or Apple pay, online with PayPal, or your Credit card with swipe or another third party payment procesor. Not only do they get a cut from each transaction but they are also the ones that can set the rules of who and how much your players can pay.
One recent example of centralized gatekeepers getting backlash from the people that use them, was fortnite's lawsuit against apple. Epic Fortnites parent company sued Apple in August last year, after the iPhone maker removed Epic's popular game Fortnite from its app store. Epic, in its suit, said Apple violated antitrust laws by forcing developers to use its payment system to take a 30% cut and forbidding them from telling app users about alternative ways to pay.
Basically Fortnite did not want to pay 30% of their yearly revenue to Apple and made it posible to buy their vbucks for cheaper in their website to its users, Apple removed them from their app store and Fortnite sued them.
And thats nothing compared to what Roblox charges its developers (-75% cut)
All of these metaverse users and creators are getting screwed left and right by the middleman gatekeepers.
If you have seen the movie Ready player one Facebook, and all these companies are IOI the bad guys looking to monetize a great place.
Decentralization is crucial to the metaverse. If an organization gains most of the control over the metaverse, it is likely to become another centralized operating system (just like the Internet giants we see today) and charge an unfair amount of money for what they bring in, or jus plain out abuse their power to jeopardize its users and benefit their shareholders like Facebook.
I hope I could convince you on the need for decentralized governnace over the metaverse and talked a little about the horrors of middleman gatekeepers and their inevitable corruption into centralized Monopolies screwing the creators and users for their own benefit.
So now on to the specifics.
How would DLT better the metaverses that we have now?
It would first and most important allow it to be decentralized in power. A metauniverse must be fair and decentralized before it can really thrive, rather than grow into another entity that controls. Only in this way can we embrace a real “oasis” like metaverse.
The open-source code is available for all, so creators can focus on making unique works instead of wasting time on suing each other and reporting copyright infringement.
Free to play as esential as Free to publish: If a creator needs to ask an operating system for permission to publish a product on it, and even worse pay them in order to get them seen he has to pay for his innovation and shift the focus of its creation from fun to Return on investment.
Distributed computing: Cloud computing is just stepped one. As time goes by, more computing will be pushed to the edge, to the remote end, or even into the individual’s home. The hashrates will be more like utility programs on the grid, instead of a data center. The idle hashrates will be distributed to the computer network, so that creators can focus on the content without worries about building or accessing backend functions or the failure of a single node.
P2P: Fewer servers mean fewer permissions and lower project complexity. Many projects including games and those involving multiverse experience can be built with a design that does not require the use of a server.
Smart contracts: A smart contract is designed to automatically execute transactions on the blockchain. Removing middle man and avoiding scams.
Microservices a smaller unit of service, that shifts from a large single backend and automatically scales in the cloud to reduce risk and complexity. One example would be Micropayments*
Micropayments were envisioned to be small payments (from less than one cent to a couple dollars) to be used to sell online content, one link or download at a time, to consumers. This would be a model that replaced the more traditional subscription model. The idea is that users would have access to only those services or articles that they actually want, and the income from these micropayments would supplement the advertisement income so that providers could focus on content.
Imagine a social ntwork where all the vanity metrics that are just for show, are actually money. Sending out a witty tweet and getting cents for every retweet. cents for every photo like or coment on a video. Cents for every Reddit Upvote, that would be nice.
The reason that micropayments were never in widespread use is that they are not financially feasible unless a business model or system is developed to handle micropayments.
Here is where Hederas crazy fast and cheap transactions can really shine. Its what Leemon designed Hedera for, enableling a virtual world.
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