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Upgrading Postgresql-v10 to v13 on Openshift

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Austin Cunningham
Upgrading Postgresql-v10 to v13 on Openshift

On Openshift v4 cluster I am looking to upgrade Postgresql-v10 to Postgersql-V13. For the sake of this blog I will spin up a Posgresql-v10 first via the Openshift templates

create a postgresql v10 via Openshift templates

NOTE: I am using quay.io registry here, you can use the Red Hat certified images also

Can we just change the image in the deploymentConfig to quay.io/centos7/postgresql-13-centos7 ?

Unfortunately your postgresql pod will crash with the following error

Incompatible data directory. This container image provides
PostgreSQL '13', but data directory is of
version '10'.
This image supports automatic data directory upgrade from
'12', please _carefully_ consult image documentation
about how to use the '$POSTGRESQL_UPGRADE' startup option.

This does give us a hit on how to solve the issue but it looks like we need to upgrade through the versions of Postgresql. After a bit of reading about $POSTGRESQL_UPGRADE we have two options for this env var, copy and hardlink. Using copy seems to be the lowest risk upgrade. I found we can go from

  • Postgresql 10 - 12
  • Postgresql 12 - 13

NOTE: $POSTGRESQL_UPGRADE does come with the usually warnings about backing up your data before upgrading your DB. And you should be comfortable with restoring from a back up.

Postgresql 10 to 12

Before we can patch the deployment config image we need to remove the imageChange deployment config trigger as it will revert any image change

# remove all
oc set triggers dc/postgresql --remove-all
# add back in the config change trigger
oc set triggers dc/postgresql --from-config

We can then patch the image in the deployment config to v12 quay.io/centos7/postgresql-12-centos7 with this ugly one-liner patch command

oc patch dc postgresql -n postgresql-test --type='json' -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/image", "value":"quay.io/centos7/postgresql-12-centos7"}]'

This will cause a new roll out.

NOTE: I use a lot of cli commands as I am looking to eventually automate this in a script. You can also achieved the same by manually editing the image in the deploymentConfig.

The roll out will have a pod in crashloopbackoff due to not having the $POSTGRESQL_UPGRADE env var set. We can set the environment variable in the deploymentConfig with the following command

oc set env dc/postgresql -n postgresql-test POSTGRESQL_UPGRADE=copy

This will cause another roll out. Occasionally I found that this upgrade can fail with the following error

pg_ctl: another server might be running; trying to start server anyway
waiting for server to start....2023-02-03 14:14:21.615 UTC [45] FATAL:  lock file "postmaster.pid" already exists

So the long and the short of it is there is a lock file in place in postgresql and we need to shut down the postgresql service correctly to remove it. I ran the following commands before I set the $POSTGRESQL_UPGRADE env var.

# get the non deployment pod name
POD=$(oc get po --all-namespaces | grep "postgresql-" | awk '{print $2}' | grep -wv deploy)
# first stop the postgres service note the paths used in the commands the postgresql database name 'userdata' in this case
oc exec -it $POD -c postgresql -n postgresql-test -- /usr/bin/pg_ctl stop -D /var/lib/pgsql/data/userdata
# then remove the lock file to be sure
oc exec -it $POD -c system-postgresql -n $THREESCALE_NS  -- rm /var/lib/pgsql/data/userdata/postmaster.pid

I found that once the upgrade is finished the $POSTGRESQL_UPGRADE env var being set can cause some problems with future roll outs of the deploymentConfig e.g.

== WARNING!! ==
PostgreSQL server version matches the datadir PG_VERSION.
The $POSTGRESQL_UPGRADE makes no sense and you probably
made some mistake, keeping the variable set you might
risk a data loss in future!

So we must unset the $POSTGRESQL_UPGRADE env var

oc set env dc/postgresql -n postgresql-test POSTGRESQL_UPGRADE-

This will cause another roll out and that will be stable with v12 installed. To confirm the upgrade was successful you can run the following command

# run a postgres -V on the pod for postgresql, command finds the only pod that is not the deploy pod
oc exec -it $(oc get po --all-namespaces | grep "postgresql-" | awk '{print $2}' | grep -wv deploy) -n postgresql-test -- postgres -V
# should give you the version
postgres (PostgreSQL) 12.7

Postgresql 12 to 13

We can apply the same steps again for 12 to 13. First patch the image in the deploymentConfig to quay.io/centos7/postgresql-13-centos7 again with the patch command

oc patch dc postgresql -n postgresql-test --type='json' -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/image", "value":"quay.io/centos7/postgresql-13-centos7"}]'

Again postgresql pod will crash with the following error

Incompatible data directory. This container image provides
PostgreSQL '13', but data directory is of
version '12'.
This image supports automatic data directory upgrade from
'12', please _carefully_ consult image documentation
about how to use the '$POSTGRESQL_UPGRADE' startup option.

set the environment variable with the following command

oc set env dc/postgresql -n postgresql-test POSTGRESQL_UPGRADE=copy

This will cause another roll out.

Again you need to unset the $POSTGRESQL_UPGRADE env var to avoid issues on future roll outs

oc set env dc/system-postgresql -n postgresql-test POSTGRESQL_UPGRADE-

This will cause another roll out and that will be stable with v13 installed.

# run a postgres -v on the none deployment pod for posgres
oc exec -it $(oc get po --all-namespaces | grep "postgresql-" | awk '{print $2}' | grep -wv deploy) -n postgresql-test -- postgres -V
# should give you the version
postgres (PostgreSQL) 13.3

All in all it took 7 changes to the deploymentConfig to successfully upgrade.

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