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Dear Mozilla, we have to talk…

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5 person written this
Dear Mozilla, we have to talk…


I use Firefox Developer Edition as my default browser, and it has amazing features, but lately it has become harder to maintain this conviction due to its poor performance and behavior. And Mozilla, you can do something about it.

A cool browser

I do want to use Safari. It's cool, it accepts the “theme-color” meta tag and it's super fast. Its interface looks good, and webpages look good in it too. It integrates fine with macOS, so you can use your defined text replacement configuration, too.

Let's illustrate Safari's coolness with an image:

Front view of the screen of a MacBook Pro with a background of a jungle and a river in gray tones. In the background, without occupying the entire screen, the Safari window with an open post and you can see how integrating the "theme-color" meta tag makes the browser interface appear integrated with the white color of the page.


Hi, my name is Carlos and I am a Front-end developer at Paradigma Digital. In my day-to-day life, I use Firefox as my default browser. I also use Chrome because Google Meet performs horribly in Firefox.

Back to my day-to-day life, I found Firefox Devtools have more interesting features than the other browsers' Devtools, like the Style Editor and the console multi-line editor mode.

The browser issue…

I chose Firefox mainly because I lived through the times of IE (5, 6, 7, 8, 9) and I DO NOT want those times to come back, but it looks like they are on their way!

The problem with IE wasn't its performance or weird behavior from version/OS to version/OS. It was really about being used by more than 95% of the users.

Which browser has a similar user quota nowadays? Chrome!

Chrome, Opera, Edge, Arc, Vivaldi.... they all are a Chromium based browsers.

👉 Please don't use Brave, its creator is a homophobic piece of sh*t.
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Simply by changing from Opera (Chromium) to Firefox, I found myself writing more robust code thanks to its better support for standards (HTML/CSS).

Did you notice that many webapps/services perform poorly in non-chromium based browsers? Or that their interfaces are broken? That's what happens when the majority of the developers use Chromium browsers.

The talk…

Dear Mozilla, I DO know the reasons to use Firefox instead of Safari, and of course, instead of any chromium based browser, I DO.

But, Mozilla, you gotta pay more attention to your users and what they need. You have to help us to want to use your browser.

Every week I read one of your newsletters warning us about TikTok, Facebook, or any privacy-ill company doing plain evil stuff. Aren't you wasting energy in all the wrong places instead of making a better browser? One that works just fine and looks cool?

Here are some ideas of features that I would like to see improved in Firefox:

  • The Firefox Devtools are amazing and have better features than the rest of the Devtools panels, but they don't always work fine.
  • Accept the “theme-color” meta tags already, for god sake!!!
  • Every time you launch a new version, the current one stops working properly. Fix this!

And if you find some time to spare, find a way to integrate really well with macOS!

Or not, I suppose continuing to do whatever you are doing right now will work just fine.

Let me know in the comments

What is your default browser? Do you use more than one? In what cases? Why and for what reasons?


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