for different kinds of informations.
Synchronizing Collaborative Text Editing with Yjs and WebSockets
In this article, I almost do a copy-paste of what's found on the internet.
It's a "reminder" for my personal project
where I analyzed the use of Yjs.
I foolishly use the y-websocket
npm install ws yjs y-websocket
import WebSocket from 'ws';
const utils = require("y-websocket/bin/utils")
* create a simple websocket server
const wss = new WebSocket.Server({ port: 1234 })
wss.on('connection', (ws, req) => {
// CONNECT the CLIENT to YJS documents
// use the "room" passed in `req.url` (for example "/yjs-ws-demo")
utils.setupWSConnection(ws, req)
// and that's it.... these following are just logs
ws.on('message', message => console.log('CLIENT::MESSAGE', message))
ws.on('close', () => console.log('CLIENT::DISCONNECTED'))
npx ts-node start.ts
So the y-websocket
library takes care of everything,
upon client connection, you just need to pass the websocket to the setupWSConnection
But if we shut down the server, all Yjs documents are lost.
To store them, we need to use y-leveldb
npm install y-leveldb
add to
import { LeveldbPersistence } from 'y-leveldb';
import * as Y from 'yjs';
const persistence = new LeveldbPersistence('./storage')
// apply DB updates to the Yjs document
persistence.getYDoc('yjs-ws-demo').then((persistedYdoc) => {
Y.applyUpdate(ydoc, Y.encodeStateAsUpdate(persistedYdoc))
ydoc.on('update', (update: Uint8Array) => {
persistence.storeUpdate('yjs-ws-demo', update)
With each update of the Yjs document, I store it in the DB.
It can be optimized by updating after a certain interval of time.
However, with the "update" event, we will always have a binary file "not in clear text"!
This interesting discussion:
Given that Yjs is a CRDT system:
It allows distributing replicas of a document
these can be updated autonomously without a central server.
I realized that
implementing a custom storage and managing the clear text data of the "update"
could be a problem.
I use SLATE because these reflections are due to my current project.
Of course, SLATE has nothing to do with Yjs, it's just to give an example.
Later, I'll give an example with a textarea
Create a ViteJs
project for React
and TypeScript
npm create vite@latest my-project --template react-ts
npm install yjs y-websocket @slate-yjs/core slate slate-react
import { withYjs, withYHistory, YjsEditor } from '@slate-yjs/core';
import { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react';
import { createEditor, Editor, Transforms } from 'slate';
import { Editable, Slate, withReact } from 'slate-react';
import { WebsocketProvider } from 'y-websocket';
import * as Y from 'yjs';
function App() {
const [isOnline, setIsOnline] = useState(false)
// get the Yjs document
const ydoc = useMemo(() => new Y.Doc(), [])
// get the shared data type
const sharedType = useMemo(() => ydoc.get('content', Y.XmlText), [ydoc])
// create the Slate editor connected to Yjs
const editor = useMemo(() => {
const e = withReact(withYHistory(withYjs(createEditor(), sharedType)))
// Extend normalizeNode to avoid the document being empty
// (at least one node must be there otherwise SLATE gets very angry)
const { normalizeNode } = e
e.normalizeNode = (entry) => {
const [node] = entry
if (!Editor.isEditor(node) || node.children.length > 0) {
return normalizeNode(entry)
Transforms.insertNodes(editor, [{ children: [{ text: '' }] }], { at: [0] })
return e
}, [sharedType])
// when I have all the nice things I connect to the server with the Y-websocket provider
useEffect(() => {
const provider = new WebsocketProvider('ws://localhost:1234', 'yjs-ws-demo', ydoc);
provider.on('status', ({ status }: { status: string }) =>
setIsOnline(status == 'connected')
return () => {
}, [editor, ydoc]);
// and here is a bit of UI
return <div>
<div style={{ color: isOnline ? 'green' : 'red' }}>
{isOnline ? 'Connected' : 'Disconnected'}
initialValue={[{ children: [{ text: '' }] }]}>
renderElement={({ attributes, children, element }) => <p {...attributes}>{children}</p>}
renderLeaf={({ attributes, children, leaf }) => <span {...attributes}>{children}</span>}
placeholder="Enter some text..."
export default App
connects the local Yjs
doc to the websocket server with the room
new WebsocketProvider('ws://localhost:1234', 'yjs-ws-demo', ydoc)
So from that moment on, the Yjs
document is synchronized with the WS server.
Finally, with withYjs
and withYHistory
, I connect the editor to Yjs
And if I wanted a simple textarea?
I found the solution thanks to raine. Great professional.
npm install fast-diff
import diff from 'fast-diff';
import { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react';
import { WebsocketProvider } from 'y-websocket';
import * as Y from 'yjs';
function App() {
// get the Yjs document
const ydoc = useMemo(() => new Y.Doc(), [])
// get the shared data type
const sharedType = useMemo(() => ydoc.get('content', Y.Text), [ydoc])
// connect the shared data to a "reactive" string
const [text, setText] = useText(sharedType)
// on component creation, connect via websocket
useEffect(() => {
const provider = new WebsocketProvider('ws://localhost:1234', 'yjs-ws-demo', ydoc);
return () => {
}, [sharedType]);
// and here is a bit of UI
return <div>
<textarea style={{ width: '100%' }} rows={5}
onChange={(e) => setText(}
export default App
Next, create the custom hook useText
/** A hook to read and set a YText value. */
function useText(ytext: Y.Text) : [string, (text: string) => void] {
// the "reactive" string
const [text, setText] = useState(ytext.toString())
// every time the shared data changes, update the "reactive" string
ytext.observe(() => setText(ytext.toString()))
// when I change the "reactive" string, update the Yjs shared data (only the differences)
const setYText = (textNew: string) => {
const delta = diffToDelta(diff(text, textNew));
return [text, setYText]
/** Convert a fast-diff result to a YJS delta. */
function diffToDelta(diffResult: [number, string][]) {
return[op, value]) => ({
[diff.INSERT]: { insert: value },
[diff.EQUAL]: { retain: value.length },
[diff.DELETE]: { delete: value.length },
We could send all the text with each change, but that would be inefficient.
So we use fast-diff
to calculate the differences between the current text and the previous one.
And then we transform the differences into a delta
object that Yjs
The sending to the server is done by y-websocket
without us having to worry about it.
My impression is that Yjs
is fantastic!
But for my personal project, I will implement a server-coordinated system for document management.
In this way, I can manage permissions and data persistence more easily.
Also, I have the feeling that the implementation for SLATE is a bit neglected.
I plan to publish some other reminders of my project!
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