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Try Vyper in Truffle v5.
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6 person written this
Truffle v5 supported Vyper.
I made Docker image to try it easialy.(Dockerfile)
How to use
docker run -it sot528/truffle-vyper-test
In the container
It unboxed vyper-example-box. So you can use below.
$ truffle test
Using network 'test'.
Contract: VyperStorage
โ ...should store the value 89. (114ms)
1 passing (129ms)
It works.
You can try anything via editing ./contracts/VyperStorage.vy
and truffle compile
stored_data: uint256
def set(new_value : uint256):
self.stored_data = new_value
def get() -> uint256:
return self.stored_data
The test file is ./test/vyperStorage.js
const VyperStorage = artifacts.require("VyperStorage");
contract("VyperStorage", () => {
it("...should store the value 89.", async () => {
const storage = await VyperStorage.deployed();
// Set value of 89
await storage.set(89);
// Get stored value
const storedData = await storage.get();
assert.equal(storedData, 89, "The value 89 was not stored.");
If you see the error below, then you should remove all of the files in build
Error parsing /code/contracts/VyperStorage.vy: ParsedContract.sol:1:1: ParserError: Expected pragma, import directive or contract/interface/library definition.
stored_data: uint256
Compilation failed. See above.
Truffle v5.0.0 (core: 5.0.0)
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