for different kinds of informations.
How To Create And Connect To A Linux Virtual Machine Using A Public Key
To do this effectively, you must follow the below steps;
2. Click on Virtual Machine
4. On the dropdown. click Azure Virtual Machine
5. Under the Project details, make sure the right subscription is selected and then choose to Create new resource group and enter LinuxVm
6.Under Instance details enter LinuxVm for the Virtual Machine Name, and choose Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS-x64 Gen2 (free services eligible) for your Image. Choose No infrastructure Redundancy required for Availability Option, Select Standard for Security Type and leave the other defaults
7. Under Administrative account, select Password
8. In Username, enter Moderntech
9. Input your Password
10. At the Inbound port rule, choose Allow selected ports on the Public inbound port
11. Review + Create
This is for validation to take place
*12. * Create.
This is to complete the deployment
14. Connect to powershell
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