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shadcn-ui/ui codebase analysis: How does shadcn-ui CLI work? — Part 2.1
I wanted to find out how shadcn-ui CLI works. In this article, I discuss the code used to build the shadcn-ui/ui CLI.
In part 1.0 and part 1.1, I discussed the code written in packages/cli/src/index.ts. In part 2.0, I talked about how the commander.js is used along with zod to parse the CLI argument passed. In Part 2.1, we will look at few more lines of code.
const cwd = path.resolve(options.cwd)
// Ensure target directory exists.
if (!existsSync(cwd)) {
logger.error(\`The path ${cwd} does not exist. Please try again.\`)
We will look at below concepts based on the code snippet above:
- path.resolve
- Ensure target directory exists
- preFlight function
- fg.glob
The path.resolve() method resolves a sequence of paths or path segments into an absolute path. (Source)
cwd is a CLI option that you pass when you run the shadcn-ui/ui init command.
The official CLI docs has the below options for the init command.
Usage: shadcn-ui init \[options\]
initialize your project and install dependencies
-y, --yes skip confirmation prompt. (default: false)
-c, --cwd <cwd> the working directory. defaults to the current directory.
-h, --help display help for command
Ensure target directory exists
// Ensure target directory exists.
if (!existsSync(cwd)) {
logger.error(\`The path ${cwd} does not exist. Please try again.\`)
This code snippet is self explanatory, it checks if the target directory exists; if it does not, the code logs the message and process exits.
import { existsSync, promises as fs } from "fs"
existsSync is an import function from “fs”.
preFlight function
preFlight is a function that checks that tailwind.config.* file exists, otherwise throws an error.
import fg from "fast-glob"
preFlight validates that tailwind.config.* file exists by using function named glob.
// We need Tailwind CSS to be configured.
const tailwindConfig = await fg.glob("tailwind.config.\*", {
deep: 3,
fast-glob is a package that provides methods for traversing the file system and returning pathnames that matched a defined set of a specified pattern according to the rules used by the Unix Bash shell with some simplifications, meanwhile results are returned in arbitrary order. Quick, simple, effective. (source)
We looked at few more lines of code from init.ts command related file. There a couple of safeguarding techniques here, one is if the target directory does not exist, exit the proccess and log an error and the second one is, detecing the tailwind.config.* using fast-glob package since tailwind is required for shadcn-ui to work properly.
Never forget to put your defensive mechanism in case the program fails as it is not always guaranteed to execute successfully.
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