for different kinds of informations.
Transfer files to Ubuntu Linux EC2 instances using an SCP client from your computer
In this article, I am going to show you how to transfer files between your local computer and a Linux instance using secure copy protocol (SCP).
Please visit my GitHub Repository for EC2 articles on various topics being updated on constant basis.
Let’s get started!
1. Create a Key Pair temp-KP
2. Create EC2 Security Group launch-wizard-1
3. Create an EC2 Ubuntu instance my-EC2
4. Get the public DNS name of the instance
5. Use SCP to transfer files between your computer to your instance
- AWS user account with admin access, not a root account.
Resources Used:
Steps for implementation to this project:
1. Create a Key Pair temp-KP
- Create keypair
2. Create EC2 Security Group launch-wizard-1
- inbound rules
- outbound rules
3. Create an EC2 Ubuntu instance my-EC2
take defaults
Launch instance
4. Get the public DNS name of the instance
5. Use SCP to transfer files between your computer to your instance
- login to your EC2 instance on a Ubuntu Linux server
- create a file rev.txt ```
Hello! Welcome
- change permissions
chmod 777 rev.txt
chown ubuntu/ubuntu rev.txt
- change permissions to your key-pair ***`temp-KP.pem`***
revjoshi@DESKTOP-9HCK7TO:~$ chmod 400 temp-KP.pem
revjoshi@DESKTOP-9HCK7TO:~$ ls -lt temp-KP.pem
-r-------- 1 revjoshi revjoshi 1674 Aug 13 17:40 temp-KP.pem
- make a directory ***`revjoshi1`***
- (Public DNS) To transfer a file to the destination on the instance
revjoshi@DESKTOP-9HCK7TO:~$ scp -i "temp-KP.pem" /home/revjoshi/rev.txt [email protected]:/home/ubuntu/
rev.txt 100% 15 0.9KB/s 00:00
- login to EC2 to check
ssh -i "temp-KP.pem" [email protected]
ubuntu@ip-172-31-88-165:~$ ls -lt
total 4
-rwxrwxr-x 1 ubuntu ubuntu 15 Aug 13 23:04 rev.txt
## Cleanup
- delete EC2 instance
## What we have done so far
Using SCP, we have successfully transferred a file using the instance's public DNS name from your computer to an EC2 instance.
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