for different kinds of informations.
7 tricks of successful communication with candidates
Nowadays attracting good candidates is a pretty hard process, thereby, recruiters often face the problem of long-term closing of vacancies. That happens because HR specialists don’t pay enough attention to the initial stage of selection and communication.
So, how can you draw a candidate’s attention to your company from the very beginning? How to interest and immediately make a good impression on them?
Recently we conducted a small investigation and identified the main tricks of successful communication with candidates:
1. Write concisely, simply, and essentially
Creating messages to interest new candidates, always follow these three rules: be brief, be specific and keep it simple. First of all, the shorter your message, the better. So, try to fit all the necessary information in a few sentences. Secondly, go straight to the point and let every word matter. Thirdly, write simply and clearly — never create a text that is difficult to understand.
2. Be professional and literate
Even in text messages you still have to adhere to professional standards. They should express respect and professional interest. Don’t try to make friends by touching on any personal topics. Also, please, check your text several times before sending it.
3. Stand out and catch the attention
If you want your message to be read and not closed right away, you need to arouse the candidate’s interest. Your words should be unique compared to other cold messages. Create catchy subject lines and bright, non-standard text content: something that will definitely show that your company is special and creative.
4. Always give feedback as soon as possible
When a person makes an effort to get a particular position, he wants to receive feedback on his interviews or test tasks as soon as possible. Even if you haven’t made the final decision yet, always try to communicate with the candidate about his achievements at every stage. Let him know what he did well and what he needs to improve.
5. Follow up but don’t spam
If you didn’t receive an answer to your letter, you can and should remind about yourself. But remember that the purpose of a follow-up message is to draw someone’s attention to the previous letter. So, don’t repeat the same text, again and again, just ask if the person is interested in your proposition. However, don’t overdo it — spam and persistent attention are always annoying.
6. Personalize and sound like a human
Starting a conversation with a candidate, you get an invitation to his personal space. This is the reason to avoid templates and specific terms. So, in each subsequent message, pay attention to what the person said or asked you previously. Use a natural and friendly style of communication. ****Also, try to personalize each of your messages. It will make your words more alive and unique. In this case, highlight any comments about the candidate’s personal facts, skills, or experience, something that will make it clear that you really did some research before connecting with him.
7. Consider the relevance
A really bad idea is trying to connect with everyone you can. It will work just like spam. Carefully select the candidates before starting a conversation: review their profile information such as experience, skills, previous projects, etc.
In fact, if a recruiter doesn’t interest his candidates from the beginning, he will not be able to succeed soon. So, select carefully and then create non-standard catchy messages, following these 7 tricks.
Good luck!
**Viktoriia **is a Recruiter at JetThoughts. Follow her on LinkedIn.
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