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SOLID Principles for React / React Native Development

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SOLID Principles for React / React Native Development

In React development, creating components that are scalable, maintainable, and easy to extend is a fundamental goal. While the SOLID principles were initially designed for object-oriented programming by Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob), they offer valuable guidelines that can also be effectively applied to React projects.

What are the SOLID Principles?

The SOLID principles are five design principles that aim to make software easier to understand, maintain, and extend. They are:

S – Single Responsibility Principle
O – Open/Closed Principle
L – Liskov Substitution Principle
I – Interface Segregation Principle
D– Dependency Inversion Principle

1. Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)

β€œA component should have only one reason to change.”

In React, this means a component or hook should handle one responsibility. Mixing UI logic with business logic makes components hard to maintain.

❌ Anti-Pattern Example:

function UserProfile() {
  const [user, setUser] = useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    fetch('/api/user').then(res => res.json()).then(setUser);
  }, []);

  return <div>{user?.name}</div>;
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The UserProfile component is responsible for both fetching user data and displaying it.

βœ… Better Approach: Separate Concerns

function useUserData() {
  const [user, setUser] = useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    fetch('/api/user').then(res => res.json()).then(setUser);
  }, []);

  return user;

function UserProfile() {
  const user = useUserData();

  return <div>{user?.name}</div>;
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🧠 Takeaway: Separate data-fetching logic into a custom hook (useUserData) and keep the component focused on rendering.

2. Open/Closed Principle (OCP)

β€œComponents should be open for extension but closed for modification.”

This means we should be able to extend the functionality of a component without modifying its existing code.

❌ Anti-Pattern Example:

function Button({ type }) {
  if (type === 'primary') return <button style={{ color: 'blue' }}>Primary</button>;

  if (type === 'secondary') return <button style={{ color: 'gray' }}>Secondary</button>;
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Adding more button types will require modifying the component, violating OCP.

βœ… Better Approach: Use Props for Flexibility

function Button({ children, style }) {
  return <button style={style}>{children}</button>;

// Usage:
<Button style={{ color: 'blue' }}>Primary</Button>
<Button style={{ color: 'gray' }}>Secondary</Button
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🧠 Takeaway: Use props and composition to extend behavior without changing the core logic.

3. Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)

β€œChild components should behave predictably when used in place of their parent components.”

When passing props, ensure they don’t introduce unexpected behavior.

❌ Anti-Pattern Example:

function InputField({ value }) {
  if (typeof value !== 'string') throw new Error('Value must be a string');
  return <input value={value} />;
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This component expects strict behavior, making it less reusable.

βœ… Better Approach: Add Default Values

function InputField({ value = '' }) {
  return <input value={value} />;

// Usage:
<InputField value="Hello" />
<InputField />
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🧠 Takeaway: Components should gracefully handle various scenarios without breaking behavior.

4. Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)

β€œComponents should not be forced to accept props they do not need.”

This principle suggests keeping your props clean and focused.

❌ Anti-Pattern Example:

function UserCard({ name, age, isAdmin }) {
  return <div>{name}</div>;
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The UserCard component accepts more props than it uses.

βœ… Better Approach: Split Responsibilities

function UserName({ name }) {
  return <div>{name}</div>;

function UserAdmin({ isAdmin }) {
  return isAdmin ? <div>Admin</div> : null;
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🧠 Takeaway: Avoid overloaded props. Create smaller components to handle specific responsibilities.

5. Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)

β€œHigh-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.”

In React, use custom hooks or context to abstract dependencies.

❌ Anti-Pattern Example:

function UserProfile() {
  const [user, setUser] = useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    fetch('/api/user').then(res => res.json()).then(setUser);
  }, []);

  return <div>{user?.name}</div>;
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The component directly depends on the fetch API.

βœ… Better Approach: Use Dependency Injection

function useUserService(fetcher) {
  const [user, setUser] = useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [fetcher]);

  return user;

// Usage:
function UserProfile() {
  const user = useUserService(() => fetch('/api/user').then(res => res.json()));
  return <div>{user?.name}</div>;
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🧠 Takeaway: Abstract dependencies via hooks to make the code easier to test and maintain.

🎯 Key Takeaways

Principle Focus in React Best Practice
S – Single Responsibility Components & Hooks Keep logic
O – Open/Closed Props & Composition Extend via props, avoid modification
L – Liskov Substitution Props & Behavior Ensure predictable behavior
I – Interface Segregation Props Use focused, minimal props
D – Dependency Inversion Hooks & Context Abstract dependencies via hooks

πŸ› οΈ Final Thoughts

Applying SOLID principles in React helps create cleaner, reusable, and maintainable components. By following these guidelines, you'll improve your code's scalability and make future changes easier to manage.

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