for different kinds of informations.
How to create and deploy a “Nuget Package” using Visual Studio
- Visual Studio 2017 or later.
- Creating an account in “”.
- Creating “Class Library” project and implement utility functionality.
- Configure package properties.
- Get API Key from “”.
- Publish the package.
- Installation “NuGet Package” in a client application.
Creating an account in “”
- Active Microsoft Account
Note: You are able to select other ways to login.
Go to
Select the option “Sign in”.
Enter your Microsoft account or Azure Active Directory.
Accept all permissions gives to
Register your username.
- Note: The username can’t be change or renamed, is case sensitive.
Click in register button.
Creating “Class Library” project and implement utility functionality
Open the Visual Studio
Select “Class Library” Project
Set the project name, the location and the solution name.
Set the framework “.NET 6.0 LTS”
Create the class “Connectivity” and copy and paste the next code:
public static bool CheckInternetConnectivity(string url)
using (var client = new WebClient())
using (var stream = client.OpenRead(url))
return true;
catch (WebException)
return false;
Configure package properties
In the properties of the project.
Activate the Check to “Generate Nuget package on build”.
Fill the next fields as generic information of your Nuget package: Title, Description, Authors, Company, Tags and etc.
(Optional) Change the project from “Debug” to “Release”
- In both cases works fine.
Build the project
Get API Key from “”
Go to API Keys page in “”
Set name to API Key and set * in global patterns.
Click in create button.
Publish the package
To publish the package we have 2 options: Via GUI using “” or Via .NET CLI.
Steps Via GUI
Go to “” and select the tab “Upload”
Click in “Browse” control and select your file package.
Verify the package and click in submit.
Steps Via .NET CLI
Go to project and click in “Open folder in File Explorer”
Open a terminal and run the next command taking account the location of package and the api-key.
dotnet nuget push <path_nuget_package> --api-key <api_key> --source
In “”, select the “Packages” menu and in “Unlisted Packages” you are able to see the next:
After a few minutes of validation process the package is ready in “Published Packages”
Installation “NuGet Package” in a client application
To do this one we have 3 ways:
dotnet add package CorporationCapsule.Util.Connectivity --version 1.0.0
Installing by .NET CLI
Create or open any project in Visual Studio.
Select the project, right click and select the option “Open Folder in File Explorer”
Open a terminal in the path (cmd.exe)
Run the command for .NET CLI
Package Manager Console
NuGet\Install-Package CorporationCapsule.Util.Connectivity -Version 1.0.0
Installing by Package Manager Console
In mene “Edit”, “Other Windows”, select “Package Manager Console”
Run the command for “Package Manager Console”
Manage Nuget Packages (GUI)
Browse the package “CorporationCapsule.Util.Connectivity”
Installing by Manage Nuget Packages (GUI)
Select the project, right click and and select the option “Manage Nuget Packages…”
In tab “Browse”, enter in the textbox “CorporationCapsule.Util”
Select the package and click in install.
Accept the change in the solution.
Checking the installation
Before to add the package:
After to add the package:
Thank you for reading this .NET Series.
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