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Learning GO: 07 - Loops
Hey! I am Currently learning Go Lang, and I am taking some basic Notes on my Notion and though I'd also just publish them here. They are not well thought out or well written but it's just me taking notes from time to time for my reference.
I am taking the Udemy Course by Maximilian Schwarzmรผller,
In Go lang there is only
for loop
, other than this there are no loopsSo, same as conditionals, loops does not have round brackets to wrap around the condition
for i := 0; i < 200; i++ {}
- they are directly declared with the
syntax for the variable declaration
Infinite for Loop
- if we define a for loop without any condition then that loop can work as an infinite loop
for {
fmt.Println("What do you want to do?")
one way to get out of the infinite loop in this case would be to use
statement but with that whole program will be stopped and anything added after that will not be executedSo to get out of the loops we can use the
statement, which will stop the loop and start executing next line of the loopWe can use
statement to break out of any particular condition and get back to the main loops, this helps when working with conditions inside a loop, so that way we can stop any particular condition and start the loops againcontinue
statement will stop the current iteration of the loop and start again that loop
Switch statement
- It is same as the other languages, nothing specific to GO in this
switch choice {
case 1:
fmt.Println("Your Balance is", accountBalance)
case 2:
fmt.Print("Your Deposit: ")
case 3:
fmt.Print("Withdrawal Amount:")
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