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Increase the quality of unit tests using mutation with PITest
You can see more about this case (step by step) in https://dev.to/silviobuss/increase-the-quality-of-unit-tests-using-mutation-with-pitest-3b27/.
for different kinds of informations.
Code coverage is the most common metric to measure code quality, but it does not guarantee that tests are testing the expected behavior.
"...100% code coverage score only means that all lines were exercised at least once, but it says nothing about tests accuracy or use-cases completeness, and thatβs why mutation testing matters". (Baeldung, 2018)
The idea of mutation testing is to modify the covered code in a simple way, checking whether the existing test set for this code will detect and reject the modifications.
Good tests should fail when your service rules are changed.
Each change in the code is called a mutant, and it results in an altered version of the program, called a mutation. Some types of mutation are:
Original conditional | Mutated conditional |
< | <= |
<= | < |
> | >= |
>= | > |
Mutations usually react as follows:
Killed: This means the mutant has been killed and therefore the part of the code that has been tested is properly covered.
Survived: This means the mutant has survived, and the added or changed functionality is not properly covered by tests.
Infinite loop/runtime error: This usually means that the mutation is something that could not happen in this scenario.
PITest framework is a JVM-based mutation testing tool with high performance and easy to use. I do not think this tool has competitors who have all of their features.
First, we will see how the jacoco code coverage is faulty.
1 - Go to https://start.spring.io/ and create a simple demo app (without site dependencies).
2 - Edit the pom.xml
file, add Jacoco and maven plugins:
3 - Still in pom.xml
file, add the unit testing dependencies.
4 - Create a simple service to verify whether a provided input number is between 0 and 100.
5 - Create a test class (without Asserts) like the one below:
Run mvn clean install
in the root directory.
In this step, we can notice that our code is fully covered by unit tests. Open the jacoco report in target/site/jacoco/index.html
Both line and branch coverage reports 100% unit tests coverage, but nothing is being tested really!
We can limit code mutation and test runs by using targetClasses and targetTests.
And avoidCallsTo to keep specified line codes from being mutated. This improves the mutation time.
Run mvn clean install
in the root directory and look at the PITest report in /target/pit-reports/<date>/index.html
Here we can notice the line coverage is still 100% but a new coverage has been introduced: Mutation Coverage.
We can add asserts like this:
Run mvn clean install
and check the PITest report again.
PITest executed tests after mutating our original source code and discovered some mutations are not handled by unit tests so we need to fix that.
To do so, we should cover cases including limit test case which means when the provided value is either 0 and 100.
Following are the test cases to cover mutation testing:
public void hundredReturnsTrue() {
public void zeroReturnsFalse() {
Running again the PITest mutation coverage command and looking at its report, we can now notice both line and mutation coverage look 100% good.
We can use the property mutationThreshold to define a percentage of mutation at which the build will fail in case this percentage is bellow the threshold.
Running PITest in a small project (6300 lines of code) results in:
PIT >> INFO : MINION : 3:56:19 PM PIT >> INFO : Checking environment
PIT >> INFO : MINION : 3:56:20 PM PIT >> INFO : Found 254 tests
- Timings
> scan classpath : < 1 second
> coverage and dependency analysis : 5 seconds
> build mutation tests : < 1 second
> run mutation analysis : 2 minutes and 15 seconds
> Total : 2 minutes and 21 seconds
- Statistics
>> Generated 733 mutations Killed 690 (94%)
>> Ran 1158 tests (1.58 tests per mutation)
For this project, PITest showed that it generated a total of 733 mutations and of this total only 43 survived, resulting in 94% of mutation coverage.
Mutation testing can be a heavy process, but from my experience, by reaching 85% of mutation coverage, my team felt safe enough to make releases without manually testing the product. (That's cool!)
Note that code coverage is still an important metric, but sometimes it is not enough to guarantee a well-tested code. Mutation testing is a good additional technique to make unit tests better.
You can see more about this case (step by step) in https://dev.to/silviobuss/increase-the-quality-of-unit-tests-using-mutation-with-pitest-3b27/.
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