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Some tips on being a great developer!

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Some tips on being a great developer!

You know, humans are social beings no matter what job they do. Sometimes and in some cases, work, family and social life balances can get mixed up.

Actually, I think the reason for the imbalance between all these roles is because people have different “values” in each role. In other words, while people have different values, thoughts and behaviors in their social life with their friends and relatives, they can have different values at work and in the family environment.

What should happen is that some values are fundamental and cannot be changed under any circumstances. First, I want to talk about “values” that don’t change. After completing these, you can become a “good person”, a “good manager” and a “good ….”.

By definition, morality is a set of rules of action, norms and value system created to regulate the behavior of people living in a community and their relations with each other.

Well, what comes to mind when you think of morality, what kind of image is formed? Of course, this subject has a separate philosophical part. I won’t go too deep. Plain and clear. First of all, what comes to our mind is probably to be fair, to be honest, not to lie under any circumstances, to be respectful to everyone and everything, including oneself, not to violate anyone’s rights, etc.

It’s actually very simple isn’t it? Well, if it’s that simple, why do 7 billion people have a hard time doing it? This could be the subject of a separate article.

If you believe that the values I have written above are moral values for you, please apply this not only to your family or to certain environments, but to everyone. Please remember that the only value that will make you human everywhere is morality.

I think we should take care to keep your communication the same with everyone, with the respect and kindness we show to our parents and our children.

One of people’s greatest strengths is being able to communicate. This can be verbal, written or physical. I’m not saying talk to everyone, be together. Just because I think it will add value to you and your environment, whether you have a job or not, we need to communicate in a sincere and respectful way.

You can be very good technically, you can be a super coder. But if your communication is bad, no one will want to work with you, maybe not at all.

I think that a good and quality communication can make the most difficult jobs and processes very easy. A quality communication brings with it trust and many values.

Whether you’re rewriting the application or implementing a new feature on an existing application, I think one of the most important things is to involve all stakeholders who will be affected or contribute to the change.

The purchasing department, QA, IT, accounting, project management etc. and most importantly the customer should be involved in the process and clearly articulate their needs, problems (possible and existing).

From a different perspective, do not hesitate to ask for support from the people you work with. From your subordinate or manager. This does not make you look weak, on the contrary, I think it increases the quality of you and the work you do. You can very quickly and permanently solve a problem that another friend has experienced before. You can get this experience very cheap. Even better, in the next step, your friends will not hesitate to ask you for help.

Preparation before pair programming
If you are going to pair with someone or someone, please set a time for it and prepare everything beforehand. If you need a test environment, have questions and whatever steps you have done before, prepare and convey them. You have no right to waste anyone’s time!

This will save you and your partner time. Another plus is that your future meeting requests will not be turned down.

Take a break
Yes, I think this is very difficult to do sometimes. I know that we spend hours thinking as if we can solve the problem at any moment. But taking that break is really hard, but it’s a great decision. After the break, all work can become more meaningful and easier. You must always do this for yourself.

Solve a problem
In fact, I think this is a skill that we should have in all areas of our lives. This ability will allow us to look at things differently, develop multiple thinking, and find shortcuts.

For this, my suggestion is to read books (books of people who don’t think like you) and to think about it a little bit. And of course, chatting with people we haven’t met before on different topics. Listening to them truly without prejudice.

This will increase our ability.

These are the ones that come to my mind for now, maybe I can continue the article as I think of it, or I can make new articles between the lines.

As for writing code, I never touched that part. Because, I think the above competencies, skills and values are much more important.

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