for different kinds of informations.
What I Wish Everyone Knew About MLSA Evolve
Mlsa evolve is the ladies tech makers community in the larger Microsoft Learn student ambassador community in Kenya
It was founded by Female student ambassadors in Kenya and has spread to universities across Kenya
The amazing ladies in evolve aim to elevate the role of women in the tech space.
The community achieves this elevation by:
Having sessions on various technologies giving preference to Microsoft Technologies.
Hosting career sessions on a regular basis cutting across all technologies.
Hosting fireside chat sessions to discuss issues affecting women hence offering a safe space for women to air out their issues without fear of judgement
Bridging the gap between the Tech Industry experts and the student tech community by having virtual meet and greets
This Holiday Season they have planned an end of year virtual dinner party whereby besides having dinner its a great chance to interact with other Ladies in the Tech space ,make some friends and Learn from each other.
I'd urge everyone to join the amazing Evolve community and Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador community at large.To be up to date with the events and activities happening in the community follow them on
Meetup group:
Featured ones: