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πŸ› οΈ How to Create an Awesome GitHub Profile Using Markdown

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πŸ› οΈ How to Create an Awesome GitHub Profile Using Markdown

Did you know you can customize your GitHub Profile to create a memorable first impression? In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to use Markdown to create a GitHub Profile that truly stands out. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced user, these tips and tricks will help you showcase your skills, projects, and personality.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

To create a GitHub Profile, follow these steps:

  • Create a new repository with the exact same name as your GitHub username (e.g., if your username is mahbubumithu, your repository should be called mahbubumithu).
  • Add a README.md file to this repository. This file is where you’ll write your profile in Markdown.
  • Customize your README.md file with the information you’d like to display.

Your profile README will appear on your GitHub Profile page, giving visitors a quick summary of your skills, projects, and more!

Markdown Elements for an Engaging Profile

Here are some essential Markdown elements to include in your GitHub profile for an engaging and informative layout:

  1. Profile Header

Start by introducing yourself with a welcoming message or tagline. Adding a bit of flair here helps set the tone.

## Hi there, I'm [Your Name]! πŸ‘‹ from [Your Country].
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## Hi there, I'm MD. MAHBUB UDDIN! πŸ‘‹ from Bangladesh.
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Hi there, I'm MD. MAHBUB UDDIN! πŸ‘‹ from Bangladesh.

  1. About Me Section

Tell visitors who you are, what you do, and what you’re passionate about.

## About Me

I'm a [Your Profession] with a passion for [Your Passion]. I enjoy working on [types of projects you enjoy] and I’m constantly learning new technologies. Here are a few things I love to do:

- πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Coding
- 🌱 Learning about new tech
- πŸ“š Sharing knowledge
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## About Me

I'm a System Architect with a passion for exploring new technologies and tools. I enjoy working on Technology stack and I’m constantly learning new technologies. Here are a few things I love to do:

- πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Coding
- 🌱 Learning about new tech
- πŸ“š Sharing knowledge
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About Me

I'm a System Architect with a passion for exploring new technologies and tools. I enjoy working on Technology stack and I’m constantly learning new technologies. Here are a few things I love to do:

  • πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Coding
  • 🌱 Learning about new tech
  • πŸ“š Sharing knowledge

  1. Adding Skills

Use lists or icons to showcase your skills. If you use icons, GitHub supports emojis, or you can add custom icons by linking to images.

## Skills

- **Languages**: Python, JavaScript, HTML/CSS
- **Frameworks**: React, Django
- **Tools**: Git, Docker, VSCode
- **Cloud**: AWS, Azure
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  • Languages: Python, JavaScript, HTML/CSS
  • Frameworks: React, Django
  • Tools: Git, Docker, VSCode
  • Cloud: AWS, Azure

Alternatively, you can use emojis:

### Skills

πŸ’» Python | πŸ–±οΈ JavaScript | ☁️ AWS | πŸ”§ Docker
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πŸ’» Python | πŸ–±οΈ JavaScript | ☁️ AWS | πŸ”§ Docker

  1. Displaying GitHub Stats

GitHub offers customizable profile stats that you can embed in your README. Use the following example to add your stats.

## My GitHub Stats

![Your Name's GitHub stats](https://github-readme-stats.vercel.app/api?username=YourGitHubUsername&show_icons=true&theme=radical)
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Replace YourGitHubUsername with your GitHub username to start tracking your stats.


## My GitHub Stats

![MD. Mahbub Uddin's GitHub stats](https://github-readme-stats.vercel.app/api?username=mahbubumithu&show_icons=true&theme=radical)
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My GitHub Stats

MD. Mahbub Uddin's GitHub stats

  1. Highlighting Top Projects

Link directly to your top projects, so visitors can easily find your best work.

## Featured Projects

- [Project 1](https://github.com/YourUsername/Project1): Brief description of the project.
- [Project 2](https://github.com/YourUsername/Project2): Another project description.
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Featured Projects

  1. Adding a Visitor Count Badge

Visitor badges show how many people have visited your profile. Here’s an example:

![Visitor Count](https://visitor-badge.laobi.icu/badge?page_id=YourGitHubUsername.YourGitHubUsername)
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Replace YourGitHubUsername with your GitHub username to start tracking views.


![Visitor Count](https://visitor-badge.laobi.icu/badge?page_id=mahbubumithu.mahbubumithu)
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Visitor Count

I specially recommend this visitor count at the top of the page.

  1. Including Social Links

Make it easy for people to connect with you by adding links to your social media profiles.

## Connect with Me

- [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/YourLinkedInProfile)
- [Twitter](https://twitter.com/YourTwitterHandle)
- [Website](https://yourwebsite.com)
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Connect with Me

Putting It All Together

Here’s what a complete GitHub Profile might look like:

![Visitor Count](https://visitor-badge.laobi.icu/badge?page_id=mahbubumithu.mahbubumithu)

# Hi there, I'm MD. MAHBUB UDDIN! πŸ‘‹ from Bangladesh.

## About Me

I'm a System Architect with a passion for exploring new technologies and tools. I enjoy working on Technology stack and I’m constantly learning new technologies. Here are a few things I love to do:

- πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Coding
- 🌱 Learning about new tech
- πŸ“š Sharing knowledge

## Skills

- **Languages**: Python, JavaScript, HTML/CSS
- **Frameworks**: React, Django
- **Tools**: Git, Docker, VSCode
- **Cloud**: AWS, Azure

## My GitHub Stats

![MD. Mahbub Uddin's GitHub stats](https://github-readme-stats.vercel.app/api?username=mahbubumithu&show_icons=true&theme=radical)

## Featured Projects

- [Project 1](https://github.com/YourUsername/Project1): Brief description of the project.
- [Project 2](https://github.com/YourUsername/Project2): Another project description.

## Connect with Me

- [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/YourLinkedInProfile)
- [Twitter](https://twitter.com/YourTwitterHandle)
- [Website](https://yourwebsite.com)
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Final Output:

Visitor Count

Hi there, I'm MD. MAHBUB UDDIN! πŸ‘‹ from Bangladesh.

About Me

I'm a System Architect with a passion for exploring new technologies and tools. I enjoy working on Technology stack and I’m constantly learning new technologies. Here are a few things I love to do:

  • πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Coding
  • 🌱 Learning about new tech
  • πŸ“š Sharing knowledge


  • Languages: Python, JavaScript, HTML/CSS
  • Frameworks: React, Django
  • Tools: Git, Docker, VSCode
  • Cloud: AWS, Azure

My GitHub Stats

MD. Mahbub Uddin's GitHub stats

Featured Projects

Connect with Me

Tips to Make Your Profile Stand Out

  • Be authentic: Let your personality show!
  • Keep it updated: Regularly update your featured projects and skills.
  • Be concise: Avoid overwhelming readers with too much text.

With a little Markdown and creativity, your GitHub profile can go from ordinary to outstanding! Let your profile reflect who you are and what you love doing. Good luck, and have fun crafting your unique GitHub profile! πŸš€

Don’t forget to share your newly designed GitHub profile with me! Seeing how this guide has helped you build a unique profile would be an incredible inspiration. Feel free to connect and show off your creativityβ€”I'm always excited to see the amazing work you all put together.

If you have any questions or want to dive deeper into Markdown, check out my previous post about Markdown. It covers everything from the basics to advanced features, and it’s a great reference if you're feeling stuck or want a refresher.

Happy coding and happy customizing! πŸš€

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