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Vagrant and VMWare Fusion in Mac M1
Notes about installing Vagrant and VMWare Fusion on my Mac M1 with Sonoma.
I tried to install Vagrant along with Virtual Box on my Mac M1, but I got several errors. So I decided to use VMWare leveraging I already use it with Windows 11.
- Install VMWare, this is my current version:
Download Vagrant and install it, I saw that you can install it via the command line using
. I just used the package that I downloaded from here:
My current version is:1.0.22
Install Vagrant utility for VMWare:
Vagrant Utility
At the minute of writing down these notes the version I installed and that worked for is:1.0.22
Install the vagrant plugin, just open the terminal and execute this command:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vmware-desktop
I restarted my system just in case.
Verify vagrant was installed:
vagrant --version
Open VMWare and keep it open, just in case.
Create a new directory, and create a new Vagrant file:
Copy and paste this code:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "spox/ubuntu-arm"
config.vm.box_version = "1.0.0"
10. Run: `vagrant up` on the directory of the newly file.
11. Add network configuration:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "spox/ubuntu-arm"
config.vm.box_version = "1.0.0"
config.vm.hostname = "testbox01" "private_network", ip: ""
12. I got an error saying something like: `Failed to create new device`
13. I found out that the error was that initialy I was using an old version of the vagrant utility for vmware: `1.0.21`, so I read this post:
and there I saw that I needed to install the new version, in my case `1.0.22` which I mentioned on the point #3.
Kudos to this post:, since most of the fixes or steps were taken from there.
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