for different kinds of informations.
Deploying your Kali-linux templates with Cloud-init, under Proxmox VE
Deploying your KVM virtual machines via Cloud-init, is a fast and flexible way to deploy your KVM virtual machines. With the Proxmox template system.
But what if your distribution doesn't include Cloud-init in its prebuild (qcow2,raw,...) ?
That's what this article is all about, so we'll take a look at how to make the famous Kali-linux pentesting and forensic distribution 'compatible' with Cloud-init.
Creating the future Kali-linux template
qm create 103 \
--name template-kalilinux \
--agent 1 \
--memory 4096 \
--bios seabios
--sockets 1 --cores 4
--cpu host
--net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0 \
--scsihw virtio-scsi-single
Retrieving the QEMU prebuild image from Kali linux
wget -P /mnt/pve/DS418/template/iso/
7z x /mnt/pve/DS418/template/iso/kali-linux-2023.1-qemu-amd64.7z
Modification of the image for Cloud-init support
Check necessary packages
apt install -y libguestfs-tools p7zip-full
Cloud-init added to Kali image :
virt-customize -a /mnt/pve/DS418/template/iso/kali-linux-2023.1-qemu-amd64.qcow2 --install cloud-init
We'll take this opportunity to install the QEMU agent, and enable SSH (the latter is not active by default under Kali):
virt-customize -a /mnt/pve/DS418/template/iso/kali-linux-2023.1-qemu-amd64.qcow2 --install qemu-guest-agent
virt-customize -a /mnt/pve/DS418/template/iso/kali-linux-2023.1-qemu-amd64.qcow2 --run-command 'systemctl enable ssh.service'
Import disk image
qm importdisk 103 /mnt/pve/DS418/template/iso/kali-linux-2023.1-qemu-amd64.qcow2 local-btrfs --format qcow2
# All that's left is to attach the disk from the web interface.
# A single command-line alternative for both import and attachment
qm set 103 --scsi0 local-btrfs:0,import-from=/mnt/pve/DS418/template/iso/kali-linux-2023.1-qemu-amd64.qcow2
Cloud-init configuration
Add Cloud-init disk
qm set 103 --ide0 local-btrfs:cloudinit
Define boot order
qm set 103 --boot c --bootdisk scsi0
Add VGA interface for console access
The documentation recommends configuring the interface in serial, as follows:
qm set 103 --serial0 socket --vga serial0
But we're going to use an alternative method (to make Kali accessible from NoVNC):
qm set 103 --vga std
Convert VM to template
qm template 103
Setting Cloud-init parameters
qm set 103 --ciuser USER --cipassword PASSWORD
qm set 103 --sshkey /PATH/TO/YOUR/
qm set 103 --ipconfig0 ip=,gw=
Deploying from template
All that's left to do is clone your Kali-linux template over and over again.
if you modify the Configuration of the template or one of your clones, don't forget to regenerate the Cloud-init image.
qm clone 103 104 --name kali-104
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