for different kinds of informations.
Countdown to js13kGames 2023
Following the tradition of “starting a countdown”, which runs for a few good years already, we’re letting you know that the twelfth edition of the js13kGames competition will begin exactly in a month from now!
The preparations to this year’s JS13K started right after Gamedev.js Jam 2023 has wrapped. You can already see the first partners, experts, and prizes on the website, and more will be announced soon.
We have some new things for you, but they are not ready yet - I will be sharing the details as soon as they are though. While you’re waiting for the start on August 13th you might consider refreshing your toolkit or checking out some new tutorials.
Don’t forget to help promote the competition in your company, community, or family - we’re always open to welcome new folks participating. Same for new companies interested in partnering, so please get in touch if you can assist with that, it will be much appreciated!
We’re still on Twitter and Facebook for announcements, and Slack for live discussion (you can also find some folks on Gamedev.js’ Discord). I do hope to see you building cool size-constrained entries this year while having fun at the same time!
Featured ones: