for different kinds of informations.
Day 1063 : Understand
liner notes:
Professional : Pretty productive day. Cleaned up some code that I was working on and made a pull request so that my coworker can check it out and see if it works for them. Responded to some community questions. Not a bad day.
Personal : Went through a bunch of tracks for the radio show. Watched more videos on 3D printing and thought of more ideas. Ordered some more things for my setup. Put together a shopping list of some filaments that I'll like to pick up while the Black Friday sale is still happening. Didn't do any coding though.
Going to finalize the list of items I want to pick up next week. Some of the items I've ordered have come in. The digital calipers are here so I can start to measure the item for one of the first prints I want to make. Waiting for my stand to come in so I can start putting things together and start printing. Been looking at tutorials for the CAD program that I'll be using to make my models. I'm going to sign up for the program so I can actually follow along so I can really understand the concepts so I can start my own projects. I want to go through tracks for the radio show. Maybe do some coding. Maybe end the night watching some anime.
Have a great night!
peace piece
Dwane / conshus /
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