for different kinds of informations.
Using Firestore in Apps Script
When using Apps Script, sometimes the CacheService and PropertiesService do not match the requirements of the project – perhaps there a need for a longer ttl or storing many more values. In these cases, Firestore can be used!
- To use Firestore in Apps Script, you will need to enable the Firestore API in the Google Cloud Console.
- You will also need to add the following scopes to your Apps Script project:
"oauthScopes": [
- Finally, you will need to set the Cloud project id in the Apps Script settings.
- Create a collection named
in Firestore so the examples below will work.
This post is going to be using the Firestore REST API with OAuth access tokens via ScriptApp.getOAuthToken()
. Alternatively, you could use a service account.
UrlFetchApp and the Firestore REST API
The UrlFetchApp can be used to make requests to the Firestore REST API. I wrap the UrlFetchApp in two function layers to make it easier to use with the OAuth token and handle errors. The first is a simple wrapper to add the OAuth token to the request header.
* Wraps the `UrlFetchApp.fetch()` method to always add the
* Oauth access token in the header 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN'.
* @params {string} url
* @params {Object=} params
* @returns {UrlFetchApp.HTTPResponse}
function fetchWithOauthAccessToken__(url, params = {}) {
const token = ScriptApp.getOAuthToken();
const headers = {
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
"Content-type": 'application/json',
params.headers = params.headers ?? {};
params.headers = { ...headers, ...params.headers };
return UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, params);
I didn’t evaluate the performance impacts of repeated ScriptApp.getOAuthToken()
The second function layer is a wrapper to handle errors and parsing that I included as part of the Firestore class I created (more later).
class Firestore {
// ... omitted
fetch(url, options) {
options = {
muteHttpExceptions: true
const response = fetchWithOauthAccessToken__(url, options);
if (response.getResponseCode() < 300) {
return JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
} else {
throw new Error(response.getContentText());
Firestore class for Apps Script
To abstract some of the common methods, I created a Firestore class. This class is not meant to be a complete wrapper of the Firestore REST API, but rather a starting point.
Below is the .patch()
method as an example which transforms the payload to JSON and passes it to the .fetch()
wrapper method.
class Firestore {
// ... omitted
* @params {string} documentPath
* @params {Object=} params Include parameters such as `updateMask`, `mask`, etc
* @params {Object=} payload
patch(documentPath, params = {}, payload) {
return this.fetch(
this.url(documentPath, params),
{ method: Methods.PATCH, payload: JSON.stringify(payload) }
I also included a url
method to generate the Firestore REST API url and include any parameters. This method is used by the other methods to generate the url.
class Firestore {
* @params {string} projectId
* @params {string} [databaseId="(default)"]
constructor(projectId, databaseId = "(default)") {
this.basePath = `${projectId}/databases/${databaseId}/documents`
// ... omitted
* @params {string} documentPath
* @params {Object=} params Include parameters such as `updateMask`, `mask`, etc
url(documentPath, params = {}) {
return encodeURI([
Object.entries(params).map(([k, v]) => `${k}=${v}`).join("&")
This could be extended as necessary for queries, collections, etc.
Firestore typed documents
When using the Firestore REST API, documents are represented with a JSON object containing their types. Below is an example of a document with a nested object and array.
"fields": {
"name": {
"stringValue": "John Doe"
"age": {
"integerValue": "30"
"address": {
"mapValue": {
"fields": {
"street": {
"stringValue": "123 Main St"
"city": {
"stringValue": "New York"
"state": {
"stringValue": "NY"
"zip": {
"stringValue": "10001"
"hobbies": {
"arrayValue": {
"values": [
"stringValue": "hiking"
"stringValue": "biking"
I didn’t bother with wrapping and unwrapping this, but a helper function could do this for you. See this GitHub library, grahamearley/FirestoreGoogleAppsScript/Document.ts for an example implementation.
Usage of the Apps Script Firestore class
Below is an example of using the Firestore class to patch, get, and delete a document in a collection I had already created named kv
function main() {
const db = new FirestoreService(PROJECT_ID, DATABASE_ID);
const doc = {
fields: {
foo: {
stringValue: "test"
console.log(db.patch("/kv/test", {}, doc,));
This outputs the following:
10:30:56 AM Notice Execution started
10:30:57 AM Info { name: 'projects/OMITTED/databases/(default)/documents/kv/test',
fields: { foo: { stringValue: 'test' } },
createTime: '2024-01-08T21:52:09.794036Z',
updateTime: '2024-01-10T18:30:57.728011Z' }
10:30:58 AM Info { name: 'projects/OMITTED/databases/(default)/documents/kv/test',
fields: { foo: { stringValue: 'test' } },
createTime: '2024-01-08T21:52:09.794036Z',
updateTime: '2024-01-10T18:30:57.728011Z' }
10:30:58 AM Info {}
10:30:58 AM Notice Execution completed
Future experiments with Firestore in Apps Script
- Use Firestore rules for segmenting user data
- Use Firestore as a larger cache than the CacheService
- Use a service account instead of OAuth access tokens
You may want to consider using the library FirestoreGoogleAppsScript instead of the code in this post. It is a more complete wrapper of the Firestore REST API, however there is a balance to using an incomplete external library vs writing a small amount of code yourself as demonstrated here.
Complete code
const PROJECT_ID = "OMITTED"; // Update this
const DATABASE_ID = "(default)"; // Maybe update this
* @readonly
* @enum {string}
var Methods = {
* Wrapper for the [Firestore REST API] using `URLFetchApp`.
* This functionality requires the following scopes:
* "",
* ""
class FirestoreService {
* @params {string} projectId
* @params {string} [databaseId="(default)"]
constructor(projectId, databaseId = "(default)") {
this.basePath = `${projectId}/databases/${databaseId}/documents`
* @params {string} documentPath
* @params {Object=} params Include parameters such as `updateMask`, `mask`, etc
get(documentPath, params = {}) {
return this.fetch(
this.url(documentPath, params),
{ method: Methods.GET }
* @params {string} documentPath
* @params {Object=} params Include parameters such as `updateMask`, `mask`, etc
* @params {Object=} payload
patch(documentPath, params = {}, payload) {
return this.fetch(
this.url(documentPath, params),
{ method: Methods.PATCH, payload: JSON.stringify(payload) }
* @params {string} documentPath
* @params {Object=} params Include parameters such as `updateMask`, `mask`, etc
* @params {Object=} payload
create(documentPath, params = {}, payload) {
return this.fetch(
this.url(documentPath, params),
{ method: Methods.POST, payload: JSON.stringify(payload) }
* @params {string} documentPath
* @params {Object=} params Include parameters such as `updateMask`, `mask`, etc
delete(documentPath, params = {}) {
return this.fetch(
this.url(documentPath, params),
{ method: Methods.DELETE}
* @params {string} documentPath
* @params {Object=} params Include parameters such as `updateMask`, `mask`, etc
url(documentPath, params = {}) {
return encodeURI([
Object.entries(params).map(([k, v]) => `${k}=${v}`).join("&")
* @params {string} documentPath
* @params {Methods} method
* @params {Object} options
* @params {Object=} params Include parameters such as `updateMask`, `mask`, etc
fetch(url, options) {
options = {
muteHttpExceptions: true
const response = fetchWithOauthAccessToken__(url, options);
if (response.getResponseCode() < 300) {
return JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
} else {
throw new Error(response.getContentText());
* Wraps the `UrlFetchApp.fetch()` method to always add the
* Oauth access token in the header 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN'.
* @params {string} url
* @params {Object=} params
* @returns {UrlFetchApp.HTTPResponse}
function fetchWithOauthAccessToken__(url, params = {}) {
const token = ScriptApp.getOAuthToken();
const headers = {
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
"Content-type": 'application/json',
params.headers = params.headers ?? {};
params.headers = { ...headers, ...params.headers };
return UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, params);
function main() {
const db = new FirestoreService(PROJECT_ID, DATABASE_ID);
const doc = {
fields: {
foo: {
stringValue: "test"
console.log(db.patch("/kv/test", {}, doc,));
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