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React Native e2e tests and Automatic Deploys (Detox + Fastlane + CircleCI)

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React Native e2e tests and Automatic Deploys (Detox + Fastlane + CircleCI)

A little bit of context (skippable)

These past weeks I've been struggling trying to set up a pipeline where for every PR pointing to our staging branch, e2e tests run automatically, and for every PR that gets merged, test flight builds, and google internal beta builds are created. My experience has been... difficult, but it doesn't mean yours should too.

tl;dr; PAIN.

What do I need for this?

1. Circle CI's performance plan.

Since we are going to use macs for building our apps. If you only need android builds, you can easily achieve this with github actions, seethis project for an example and this amazing post.

2. Apple connect account & Google play console account.

This will be needed for automatic deployments(2nd part).

3. Patience

Trust me, you'll need it. CIs can smell fear.

Let's get this started

1. Add detox into your react native project.

Please, follow this guide using JEST step by step in order to have it correctly configured in your project. Here is anexample of a .detoxrc.json.

Once you can run e2e tests locally, you're ready to go for the next step.

2. Set up CircleCI.

If you don't have CircleCI, you can learn how to add it here.
Don't worry too much about the content on the config.yml, since we are going to completely modify it. :)

At this point, you should have a folder named .circleci/ with a config.yml file.

Let's make magic using orbs!

Add this to your /app/build.gradle since we are going to use the react-native-circleci-orb.

task downloadDependencies() {
  description 'Download all dependencies to the Gradle cache'
  doLast {
    configurations.findAll().each { config ->
      if (config.name.contains("minReactNative") && config.canBeResolved) {
        print config.name
        print '\n'
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Feeling lucky?

React native community example of how to use this orb is the following:

version: 2.1

  rn: react-native-community/[email protected]
# Custom jobs which are not part of the Orb
    executor: rn/linux_js
      - checkout
      - persist_to_workspace:
          root: .
          paths: .
    executor: rn/linux_js
      - attach_workspace:
          at: .
      - rn/yarn_install
      - run:
          name: Run ESLint
          command: yarn eslint
      - run:
          name: Flow
          command: yarn flow
      - run:
          name: Jest
          command: yarn jest

      # Checkout the code and persist to the Workspace
      # Note: This is a job that is defined above and not part of the Orb
      - checkout_code

      # Analyze the Javascript using ESLint, Flow, and Jest
      # Note: This is a job that is defined above and not part of the Orb
      - analyse_js:
            - checkout_code

      # Build the Android app in debug mode
      - rn/android_build:
          name: build_android_debug
          project_path: "android"
          build_type: debug
            - analyse_js

      # Build and test the Android app in release mode
      # Note: We split these into separate jobs because we can build the Android app on a Linux machine and preserve the expensive MacOS executor minutes for when it's required
      - rn/android_build:
          name: build_android_release
          project_path: "android"
          build_type: release
            - analyse_js
      - rn/android_test:
          detox_configuration: "android.emu.release"
            - build_android_release

      # Build the iOS app in release mode and do not run tests
      - rn/ios_build:
          name: build_ios_release
          project_path: ios/Example.xcodeproj
          device: "iPhone X"
          build_configuration: Release
          scheme: Example
            - analyse_js

      # Build and test the iOS app in release mode
      - rn/ios_build_and_test:
          project_path: "ios/Example.xcodeproj"
          device: "iPhone X"
          build_configuration: "Release"
          scheme: "Example"
          detox_configuration: "ios.sim.release"
            - analyse_js
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But there is a catch, in my experience, it did not work. Here are the docs of every helper function on this orb.

What's next?

Welp let's go step by step and create something that works ;)


version: 2.1
  rn: react-native-community/[email protected]
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Note that we call it rn, this name can be whatever you want, and it's just used to specify when a job is coming from the orb. Ex. rn/yarn_install



Check out the code and persist to the Workspace, needed in order to do stuff in the project root.

    name: rn/linux_js
    node_version: "12"
    - checkout
    - persist_to_workspace:
        paths: .
        root: .
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Running jest test on Linux. Note how we use an executor from our orb and define the node_version version for our project.

    name: rn/linux_js
    node_version: "12"
    - attach_workspace:
        at: .
    - rn/yarn_install
    - run:
        command: yarn test
        name: Run Tests
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Android e2e

In a perfect world, the example on the docs is all you need. But this is programming, specifically, React native that we're talking about, the example is the following:

- rn/android_build:
    build_type: debug
    name: build_android_debug
    project_path: android
      - analyse_js
- rn/android_build:
    build_type: release
    name: build_android_release
    project_path: android
      - analyse_js
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The main issue with this approach is that rn/android_build builds the app as a normal build and not as a detox build which can lead to weird issues and false-negative e2e tests.

So... yeah, we have to re-do this step manually, but feel free to try! If it works for you, shame me on Twitter!.

Please read the comments to understand what is going on here.

  # Using a mac (:
    name: rn/macos
    - attach_workspace:
        at: .
    - rn/setup_macos_executor:
        homebrew_cache: true
        node_version: "12"
    - rn/yarn_install:
        # basically because of this https://github.com/react-native-community/react-native-circleci-orb/issues/66
        cache: false
    - run:
        # For my app and react native in general java8 is needed. The default version on this executor was default to java10 for some reason, so this kinda solve that issue.
        # just installing java, android sdk, and needed tools.
        command: >
          java -version

          brew tap adoptopenjdk/openjdk

          brew install --cask adoptopenjdk/openjdk/adoptopenjdk8

          java -version

          export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8)

          mkdir -p ~/.android && touch ~/.android/repositories.cfg

          java -version

          yes | sdkmanager "platform-tools" "tools" >/dev/null

          yes | sdkmanager "platforms;android-29"
          "system-images;android-29;default;x86_64" >/dev/null

          yes | sdkmanager "emulator" --channel=3 >/dev/null

          yes | sdkmanager "build-tools;29.0.2" >/dev/null

          yes | sdkmanager --licenses >/dev/null

          yes | sdkmanager --list
        name: Install Android Emulator
        shell: /bin/bash -e
    - run:
        command: |
          adb start-server
          adb devices
          adb kill-server
          ls -la ~/.android
        name: ADB Start Stop
    - run:
        # Note we are using a pixel_xl as the test device, feel free to change it for one better fits your app
        command: |
          export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8)
          avdmanager create avd --force --name Pixel_2_API_29 --package "system-images;android-29;default;x86_64" --tag default --device pixel_xl
        name: Create Android Emulator
    - run:
        background: true
        command: |
          export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8)
          $ANDROID_HOME/emulator/emulator @Pixel_2_API_29 -version
          $ANDROID_HOME/emulator/emulator @Pixel_2_API_29 -cores 2 -gpu auto
          -accel on -memory 2048 -no-audio -no-snapshot -no-boot-anim
          -no-window -logcat *:W | grep -i
        name: Start Android Emulator (background)
    - run:
        command: >
          # export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8)

          export BOOT=""

          echo "Waiting for AVD to finish booting"

          export PATH=$(dirname $(dirname $(command -v

          until [[ "$BOOT" =~ "1" ]]; do
            sleep 5
            export BOOT=$(adb -e shell getprop sys.boot_completed 2>&1)

          sleep 15

          adb shell settings put global window_animation_scale 0

          adb shell settings put global transition_animation_scale 0

          adb shell settings put global animator_duration_scale 0

          echo "Android Virtual Device is now ready."
        name: Wait for AVD to be ready
        no_output_timeout: 5m
    # Creates the detox build using the orb job
    - rn/detox_build:
        configuration: "android.emu.release"
    # Tests the app, you can use rn/detox_test, but I wanted to take screenshots when test fails so I can have a better idea of why did they fail.
    - run:
        command: >-
          detox test -c android.emu.release -l warn --headless
          --take-screenshots failing --artifacts-location /tmp/detox_artifacts
        name: Detox Test
    # Save the screenshots as artifacts, you can see then in the artifact tab for the job in CircleCI
    - store_artifacts:
        path: /tmp/detox_artifacts
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Note that all of this can be achieved using the rn/linux_android executor.

iOS e2e

In a perfect world, the example on the docs is all you need. And it was for me... until it wasn't. Try the following, if that works for you, shame me on Twitter!.

# Build and test the iOS app in release mode
- rn/ios_build_and_test:
    project_path: "ios/Example.xcodeproj"
    device: "iPhone X"
    build_configuration: "Release"
    scheme: "Example"
    detox_configuration: "ios.sim.release"
      - analyse_js
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Fortunately, ios is better than android. Yeah, I said it... At least development wise. In order to recreate the ios_build_and_test all we need is:

# Build and test the iOS app in release mode
  executor: rn/macos
    - checkout
    - attach_workspace:
        at: .
    - rn/setup_macos_executor:
        homebrew_cache: true
        node_version: "12"
    - rn/ios_simulator_start:
        device: "iPhone 11"
    - rn/yarn_install:
        # basically because of this https://github.com/react-native-community/react-native-circleci-orb/issues/66
        cache: false
    - rn/pod_install:
        pod_install_directory: ios
    # Yep, it doesn't really matter if you don't run detox build for ios, it works like a charm. But if you prefer, you can replace this step with a custom one.
    - rn/ios_build:
        build_configuration: "Release"
        cache: false
        derived_data_path: "ios/build"
        device: "iPhone 11"
        project_path: "ios/example.xcworkspace"
        project_type: workspace
        scheme: "example"
    - run:
        command: >-
          detox test -c ios.sim.release -l warn --headless --take-screenshots
          failing --artifacts-location /tmp/detox_artifacts
        name: Detox Test
    - store_artifacts:
        path: /tmp/detox_artifacts
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Congratulations! You have e2e tests running in your app! Give yourself a pat in the back and go get a drink, because Fastlane is coming.

The hardest thing is doing the configurations for your project. Feel free to ask in the comments, but fastlane documentation should be enough to get you ready for the next steps.

Checkout these if you need a place to start:

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Fastlane android

This is easier than what you already did. :) All we need is to install Fastlane on Linux and run our Fastlane lane.

  executor: rn/linux_android
    - attach_workspace:
        at: .
    - rn/yarn_install
    - run:
        command: gem install bundler
        name: Install bundler
    - run:
        command: gem install fastlane
        name: Install Fastlane
    # Note that my lane is name upload_to_googleplay replaced for yours
    - run:
        # can be fancier and use working_directory
        command: cd android && fastlane upload_to_googleplay
        name: Upload to google play via Fastlane
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Fastlane ios

I'm pretty sure adding Fastlane to ios was not an easy task. So... Congratulations Shinji! These are basically the same steps but for ios.

# submit app to apple connect testflight
    name: rn/macos
    - attach_workspace:
        at: .
    - rn/yarn_install:
        cache: false
    - run:
        working_directory: ios
        command: pod install
    - run:
        command: gem install bundler
        name: Install bundler
    - run:
        command: gem install fastlane
        name: Install Fastlane
    - run:
        working_directory: ios
        command: fastlane beta
        name: Upload to Testflight via Fastlane
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So... tips for Fastlane.

  • Fastlane Docs.
  • 2fa for apple connect.
  • CircleCI Docs.
  • Use date for build numbers. (There are other ways to get incremental build numbers, if you want to try them, Can't recommend any since I haven't used any for the ci).
    • android: in the build.gradle (int)(date.getTime() / 10000)
    • ios: in fastlane/Fastfile build_number: DateTime.now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M")

One more thing

In order to make everything work, we need to create a workflow where we define the order of the steps.

So... here's a proposal:

  # name of the workflow
      - checkout_code
      # Do jest tests
      - analyse_js:
            - checkout_code
      # Build and test the android app in release mode
      - android_e2e_test:
            - analyse_js
      # Build and test the iOS app in release mode
      - ios_e2e_test:
            - analyse_js
      # Release apps to stores for testing
      - fastlane_android_internal:
          # We only want to deploy to google play when things get merged into the main branch
                - main
          # Note that e2e need to pass in order to release
            - android_e2e_test
      - fastlane_ios_testflight:
          # We only want to deploy to google play when things get merged into the main branch
                - main
          # Note that e2e need to pass in order to release
            - ios_e2e_test
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If react native, detox, CircleCI and Fastlane decided you can rest today, you should see something like this in your pipeline.

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fastlane Article's
30 articles in total
From days to minutes: Build and publish React Native apps using Fastlane and Github Actions
The Ultimate Guide to Automating Android APK Builds and Firebase Distribution with Fastlane 🚀
From Manual to Automatic: The Magic of CI/CD Pipelines! 🤯
Protegendo credenciais em automatização de builds no Fastlane com Variáveis de Ambiente
GUI for fastlane?
Steps to Add and Upload testflight Using Fastlane
Simplifying Flutter Deployment with FastLane
🚀 Added new YouTube series on "Flutter CI/CD with GitLab and Fastlane" !
Automate publishing your android app to Google Play Store with Fastlane and Github Actions
GitHub Actions CI/CD for Flutter Fastlane (iOS) with possible mistakes
Criando uma conta e configurando um projeto no CodeMagic
Automatically add new devices to the Apple Developer Portal (GitHub Actions & Fastlane)
Fastlane: 深入浅出一看你就懂
Fastlane: iOS 和 Android 的自动化构建工具
Fastlane with React Native — Part-1
Deploy iOS Application to AppCenter via Github Actions (Manual Code SignIn)
Single point versioning with Fastlane for React Native
Unable to use Fastlane on macOS Monterey 12.1
Automating Flutter App Versioning Using Fastlane Plugin
How To Automate App Releases using Fastlane and SemVer for Hybrid Applications
Building and Deploying Flutter Apps from CI with Fastlane: How to Reuse Code Efficiently
How to run Fastlane and GitLab with AppStore Connect API
Automating mobile application deployments using Fastlane and CI/CD tools
React Native e2e tests and Automatic Deploys (Detox + Fastlane + CircleCI)
Deploy React Native app on Playstore with Fastlane and Github Actions ( 1 / 2 )
Deploy React Native app on Playstore with Fastlane and Github Actions ( 2 / 2 )
CI/CD in iOS Development
Como configurar Fastlane para Firebase App Distribution (Android e iOS)
Flutter + Fastlane + Github Actions

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