for different kinds of informations.
Why informatics turned into a philosophical battle (for money!)
Well. There is a battle in informatics. Not only one, but a lot of them.
Operative systems: Windows, Linux, Mac, then Android, iOS...
It all starts with the booting.
But it does not finish that soon.
Programming languages: xASM, C/C++, PHP, JS, Ruby, Python, ...
Then frameworks for each topic. Coding styles. Methodologies. IDEs, editors, compilers, etc.
Do not you see that there is a continuous, unstoppable and delivered marketing battle between brands?
Windows? Or Apple? Or Linux? Or Temple OS maybe?
It is unavoidable the branching of technologies. But I am sure that no other area of knowledge has as many abbreviations and brand names as informatics.
It satures the brain. It is already difficult to code. It is already difficult to learn. But, in the meanwhile and on the road, there is people wanting to make money with the ignorance of others, to take profit of the "less clever".
I usually think of humans as a mount of rats fighting with each other to take some breath like climbing the mountain they build with the dead bodies they leave on their ways.
There are still maths to find out to know how a User Interface is more efficient (and not only damnedly beautiful, bitches!)
There is no science in design. But because there is no universal message, there is no universal intentionality in each and every interface.
Look. Ethics talk about good and bad. The good and the bad need also and intention. Drinking poison is bad? It is not if you want to die. You see, different intention, different good-bad things.
In any case, there is a batlle in the realm of humans, we are divided by language, countries, and then traits and interests. What is the purpose, the intention of this? Did you wonder?
Informatics grows with standarization.
Standarization gets stronger with maths.
Maths of today lack of natural language integration.
But programming languages are there to rescue that part of the maths that decided to forget that semmantics explained numbers to us before.
And, if it was not enough, they make you pay to get qualified knowledge, aka. to study from university.
Whatever, male bitches, whatever, if I get fed up of your game, at least, I know where the door is.
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