Daytona is a secure and open-source development environment manager that simplifies your workflow. Imagine starting development on a Next.js app without the usual setup hassle. On average, developers lose 56% of their time setting up environments. Daytona eliminates that wasted time and lets you focus directly on coding.
Step 1: Connect Daytona to Your Git Repositories
To manage your code with version control, link Daytona to your Git provider like Github. Run this command in your terminal:
daytona git-providers add
Step 2: Install a Cloud Provider
If you need to create or manage cloud environments (like AWS, Azure, or GCP), install a provider using this command:
daytona provider install
Step 3: Set a Target
A "Target" is where your development environment will run, like Docker (local or remote), AWS, GCP, or others. To choose one, use this command:
daytona target set
Step 4: Choose Your IDE
Daytona can connect to many IDEs like VS Code, IntelliJ, and more. To set your default IDE, run:
Here's the devcontainer.json I used for Recipe Genie:
{"name":"Recipe Genie Dev Container","image":"","forwardPorts":[3000],"customizations":{"vscode":{"settings":{"terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.linux":"bash","files.autoSave":"onWindowChange","editor.formatOnSave":true,"editor.defaultFormatter":"esbenp.prettier-vscode"},"extensions":["ms-azuretools.vscode-docker","ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers","dbaeumer.vscode-eslint","esbenp.prettier-vscode","dsznajder.es7-react-js-snippets","","bradlc.vscode-tailwindcss","christian-kohler.path-intellisense","ms-vscode.vscode-typescript-next"]}},"postCreateCommand":"npm i"}
4️⃣ Create your workspace and project
daytona create <REPO_URL>
That's it! Your environment is ready.
To start development, simply run the following:
npm run dev
Some highlights of devcontainer.json file:
Pre-configured environment: Uses the javascript-node devcontainer image from Microsoft.
Post-setup commands: Automatically runs npm i to install dependencies.
VS Code settings: Includes useful VSC settings and extensions for productive development, like Prettier, ESLint, and React/Next.js tools.
PORT forwarding: Automatically forwards port 3000 to access the development server from the host machine.
Daytona simplifies development by automating environment setup. Try Daytona today and experience the difference!
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Single Command: Activate a fully configured development environment with a single command.
Runs everywhere: spin up your development environment on any machine — whether it's local, remote, cloud-based, physical server, or a VM & any architecture x86 or ARM.
Configuration File Support: Initially support for dev container, ability to expand to DevFile, Nix & Flox (Contributions welcome here!).
Prebuilds System: Drastically improve environment setup times (Contributions welcome here!).
IDE Support : Seamlessly supports VS Code & JetBrains locally, ready to use without configuration. Includes a built-in Web IDE for added convenience.
Recipe Genie is your ultimate cooking companion powered by TheMealDB. Discover a world of culinary delights, from tantalizing surprises to exploring categories and their delectable recipes. With Recipe Genie, embark on a culinary journey like never before.
Sample Recipe Genie
Recipe Genie is your go-to app for exploring delicious recipes, powered by TheMealDB. Discover a variety of dishes, surprise yourself with random recipes, or browse through different categories. With Recipe Genie, enjoy a fun and easy cooking adventure! It's a simple Next.js app built using TheMealDB.