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Simple hook to handle featue flags
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Let's say you want to enable or disable some features based on users role or some permission that the user is granted in the frontend. You could do this with a simple conditional rendering in each component by checking for users permission
{role==='guest' && <GuestBanner/>}
But this is really messy if you have to do this in multiple components. We could instead create a custom hook that returns Boolean saying if we should enable or disable the feature
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';
const useFeature = (feature) => {
// If you use something other than redux replace useSelector with equivalent
// getRole is selector to select user role from redux state
const role = useSelector(getRole)
if(feature === 'guestBanner') {
if(role === 'guest') return true;
return false;
return true;
And then in your component you use this as follows
import useFeature from './use-feature';
const GuestBanner = () => {
const enable = useFeature('guestBanner');
if(!enable) return null;
return <h1>Guest Banner</h1>
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