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Best 10 Code Snippets for Next and JavaScript in 2022

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Best 10 Code Snippets for Next and JavaScript in 2022

What is a Code Snippet?

A Code Snippet is a reusable block of code .It is good to reuse code as it will improve your productivity and make sure you always import the correct code and are not missing anything related to code.

Why use Code Snippet for Next and JavaScript?

Next.js gives you the best developer experience with all the features you need for production-level applications. To provide a better developer experience and to write better code, faster developers should try to use code snippets while coding.

1. Next JS Page Template

 Next JS Page Template


This code snippet will give users a pre-defined layout for the Next JS Page. This is very beneficial when you are working on multipage applications.

Link to this snippet on Snipt.dev

2. Import image using Code Snippets

Next Image


This code snippet is an Image component for Next in javascript. You will have to enter the src and some basic alignment, and your image is imported.

Link to this snippet on Snipt.dev

3. Hyperlink

next Link


Another helpful code snippet when working with multipage applications. This code snippet will let you import a link component directly onto your IDE.

Link to this snippet on Snipt.dev

4. Next App with layout

Next app with layout


You can directly import your app layout into a page using this code snippet. This code creates an example _app.jsx with per-page layout capabilities.

Link to this snippet on snipt.dev

5. Next page with getServerSideProps

Next page with getServerSideProps


This code snippet will pre-render this page on each request using the data returned by getServerSideProps. This is a helpful code snippet as it will help you code faster, which is the need of the hour.

Link to this snippet on Snipt.dev

6. Next useState

Next useState


This code snippet will help you in state management. The useState Hook allows you to track state in a function component. Need no trouble, right? Just use next.hook.state.use on your IDE.

Link to this snippet on Snipt.dev

7. Next getStaticProps

Image description


Next.js allows you to export an async function called getStaticProps from the same file. This code snippet has a function that gets called at build time and lets you pass fetched data to the page's props on pre-rendering.

Link to this snippet on Snipt.dev

8. Next getStaticPaths

Image description


To handle pre-rendered paths on external data. Next.js lets you export an async function called getStaticPaths from a dynamic page. This code snippet has a function that gets called at build time and enables you to specify which paths you want to pre-render.

Link to this snippet on Snipt.dev

9. Next page with getStaticProps

Image description


This code snippet allows you to create a Next page with static-dynamic props using getStaticProps function.

Link to this snippet on Snipt.dev

10. Next create context with hook

Image description

Shortcut: next.context.provider.hook.create

The code snippet creates a context and a function that takes a context as an argument. The context defines the global scope for the function. The function uses the context to access the value of the val variable.

Link to this snippet on Snipt.dev

How to add your Code Snippet?

Users can add their code snippets and share them with the community using snipt.dev and the Codiga snippet engine. Create an account on app.codiga.io, log in and create your recipe and it will automatically add to snipt.dev

There are two privacy settings for recipes; make sure you keep the public so that it can be picked by Codiga snippet engine.

Developer Resources

Code Snippets search engine snipt.dev for searching and finding some reusable code.

Please refer to our official documentation if you have any doubts.

Codiga for defining your own code snippets

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