for different kinds of informations.
A whole month at Task Force 5.0
In what feels like a blink of an eye it's already a month at Task Force. At the end of the first month usually is that point you are excited to get your first paycheck. But in my case, I am excited for the knowledge I have gained and the growth I have had in the past month both personally and professionally. Here is my reflection.
"Learning without reflection is a waste. Reflection without learning is dangerous"
As Confucius said it's always best to reflect on what you have learnt but also learn from the mistakes you have made.
Understanding who I am and how my personality can affect the workplace was the first thing we did. And this is something I have been paying attention to in the past month trying to see areas of improvement. For instance, my communication skills, which we had also sessions to help improve. Team working has also improved as most assignments are done in teams. I got a lot of insights into presentation skills. But how about technical skills?
In the technical department, I have also gained a lot of knowledge in industry best practices such as Agile process, DevOps, continuous delivery and integration, project structure, to mention but a few. And this week I got challenged with Typescript which is JavaScript but with types. Remember, how I mentioned my communication skills got better? This is how I figured it out.
Asking for help is one of the instrumental things I have learnt so far. Knowing that no one expects you to know it all, and you can't know it all, has been a great asset in tackling the challenge I am facing with Typescript. I could not get a hold of when to use Typescript and this time instead of taking much time trying to just figure it out on my own, I asked for help from the facilitators, Sam and Twist who helped to understand and lead me to the right resources.
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards."
Soren Kierkegaard
Conclusively, A month can be perceived as a short time but if you look back and reflect it's enough time to make some meaningful improvements. I appreciate the opportunity offered by Awesomity Labs and Code Of Africa. Looking forward to the remainder of the Task Force. Thank you for giving it a read. I will keep you posted.
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