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Clojure Is Awesome!!! [PART 2]
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From the series 'I don't need to say anything... :)
(ns singleton)
(defprotocol LoggerService
"Protocol defining logging operations."
(log-info [this message] "Logs an informational message.")
(log-error [this message] "Logs an error message.")
(log-debug [this message] "Logs a debug message."))
(defrecord FileLogger [log-file]
(log-info [_ message]
(spit log-file (str (java.time.Instant/now) " [INFO]: " message "\n") :append true))
(log-error [_ message]
(spit log-file (str (java.time.Instant/now) " [ERROR]: " message "\n") :append true))
(log-debug [_ message]
(spit log-file (str (java.time.Instant/now) " [DEBUG]: " message "\n") :append true)))
(defonce logger-instance
(atom nil))
(defn get-logger
"Returns the singleton instance of the LoggerService."
(if-let [instance @logger-instance]
(let [new-instance (->FileLogger "application.log")]
(reset! logger-instance new-instance)
(defn log-endpoint
"A Pedestal handler that logs requests and responses."
(let [logger (get-logger)]
(log-info logger (str "Received request: " (:uri request)))
{:status 200
:body "Request logged successfully!"}))
(require '[io.pedestal.http :as http])
(def service
{:env :prod
::http/routes #{["/log" :get log-endpoint]}
::http/type :jetty
::http/port 8080})
;; Start the server
(http/create-server service)
;; curl http://localhost:8080/log
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