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CKA Quick Check Points -- Logs & Configs
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Quick recap for logs & configs. Details can click the title link or check the official doc.
1. Log
1.1 Files
- Pod:
- Etcd:
- kubelet:
- Pod:
1.2 CMD
# 1. components log
grep kubelet /var/log/syslog
journalctl -u [kubectl|kube-controller-manager|kube-scheduler|kube-apiserver|etcd|docker|containerd]
kubectl logs <pod-name> -n kube-system
# 2. Pod log
kubectl describe pod <pod-name> -n kube-system
kubectl logs <pod-name> -c <container-name>
# use crictl or docker (in case when docker is used) to check the logs and process
# crictl ps/logs
1.3 sidecar
sidecar container used for logging
2. Config
2.1 Files
: most k8s configuration files.-
: static pod config files
: kubelet related data and configuration. -
: etcd data. -
: systemd service configuration files.
2.2 CMD
# View the active kubeconfig settings.
kubectl config view
# check the corresponding pods
kubectl describe pod <pod-name> -n kube-system
# use systemctl cat
systemctl cat [kubectl|kube-controller-manager|kube-scheduler|kube-apiserver|etcd|docker|containerd]
# can even use find
find / | grep kubeadm
3. Context
kubectl config current-context
4. Jobs
kubectl delete jobs --all
kubectl get pods -w
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