for different kinds of informations.
Best Alternative to Cloudinary for China
What is Cloudinary?
Cloudinary is an end-to-end image and video-management solution for websites and mobile apps. They cover data from image and video uploads, storage, manipulations, optimizations to delivery.
Does Cloudinary's CDNs Work in China?
We consulted with Cloudinary's technical team regarding a solution for improving access speed in China with their service, below is a screenshot of their response.
Cloudinary's Solution for CDN in China
Simply put, Cloudinary's only solution for China will require a subscription to their Enterprise Premium Package. Their solution to access Chinese CDNs will cost upwards of $30,000 USD per year.
Cloudinary Case Study
As a case study, we used a media asset being hosted by Cloudinary servers using a regular account. Below are speed test results of the Cloudinary media asset link across mainland China.
Cloudinary Media Link Speed Test in China
As you can tell, the access speed from Cloudinary managed data are very slow and in some regions unaccessible. These slow speeds can be attributed to Cloudinaryβs lack of content delivery network (CDN) nodes inside of China.
IMPORTANT: If you are a developer working outside of China, it can be difficult to observe the speed when visiting your site abroad. To check your sites performance in China, feel free to reach out and our team is happy to provide a free full speed test.
Best Alternative to Cloudinary in China
There are many Cloudinary's alternatives in China such as AWS S3 China, it gives you full control how you want to host your assets. As of writing this blog, AWS S3 in China only has two regions. So when you host your assets with S3 in China, you might not get full 31 provinces and municipalities in China up to a usable speed.
On the other hand, 21YunBox provides CDNs by default without additional cost, which means you don't need to do extra work, when you build your website through 21YunBox Build, all your build artifacts will be served in all of the 31 provinces and municipalities in China.
For a 21YunBox case study, we used a media asset link from a current user, Ethereum China's to run a similar speed test to the test above.
Media Link Speed Test Hosted with 21YunBox
As you can see, the media assets hosted on 21YunBox's local CDN nodes drastically improved the access speeds across China, which also helped to improve Ethereum's SEO keyword ranking over night.
Get Started with 21YunBox
If you have a web development background, please refer our documentation to get your websites setup on local Chinese CDNs.
Don't have development background? Share this article with your web development agency or in-house technical team. They will be able to get you equipped with 21YunBox's local and fast CDNs in minutes.
Avoiding Pitfalls in China
When launching a site in China, your team will face some localized challenges. 21YunBox makes it easier with the technologies that your in-house or external teams are already familiar with.
If you are unsure if your website has any load or compatibility issues, we are happy to help. Just contact us for a free consultation.
Related Blogs:
- Alternatives to Firebase in China?
- Alternatives to Contentful in China?
- Alternatives to Algolia in China?
- Does Netlify work in China
- How to Speed-Up a Shopify Store in China?
This article's content originated here
For additional detail and future modifications, refer the original post.
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