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Safely restructure your codebase with Dependency Graphs

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Safely restructure your codebase with Dependency Graphs

Using "inversify" is a key to create Deoencency-Graph-Binding

import { Container } from "inversify";

var container = new Container();
export { container };

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import { interfaces, namedConstraint, taggedConstraint, traverseAncerstors, typeConstraint } from "inversify";

class BindingHelper
    targetNamed(request: interfaces.Request, name: string | number | symbol): boolean
        return request != null && request.target.matchesNamedTag(name.toString());

    targetTagged(request: interfaces.Request, key: string | number | symbol, value: unknown): boolean
        return request != null && request.target.matchesTag(key)(value);

    targetIsDefault(request: interfaces.Request): boolean
        return request != null && request.target != null && !request.target.isNamed() && !request.target.isTagged();

    injectInto(request: interfaces.Request, parent: (NewableFunction | string)): boolean
        return request != null && typeConstraint(parent)(request.parentRequest);

    parentNamed(request: interfaces.Request, name: string | number | symbol): boolean
        return request != null && namedConstraint(parent)(request.parentRequest);

    parentTagged(request: interfaces.Request, tag: string | number | symbol, value: unknown): boolean
        return request != null && taggedConstraint(tag)(value)(request.parentRequest);

    anyAncestorIs(request: interfaces.Request, ancestor: (NewableFunction | string)): boolean
        return traverseAncerstors(request, typeConstraint(ancestor));

    noAncestorIs(request: interfaces.Request, ancestor: (NewableFunction | string)): boolean
        return !traverseAncerstors(request, typeConstraint(ancestor));

    anyAncestorTagged(request: interfaces.Request, tag: string | number | symbol, value: unknown): boolean
        return traverseAncerstors(request, taggedConstraint(tag)(value));

    noAncestorTagged(request: interfaces.Request, tag: string | number | symbol, value: unknown): boolean
        return !traverseAncerstors(request, taggedConstraint(tag)(value));

    anyAncestorNamed(request: interfaces.Request, name: string | number | symbol): boolean
        return traverseAncerstors(request, namedConstraint(name));

    noAncestorNamed(request: interfaces.Request, name: string | number | symbol): boolean
        return !traverseAncerstors(request, namedConstraint(name));

var when = new BindingHelper();
export { when };

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import { Container, interfaces } from "inversify";
import { when } from "./context-binding-helper";

interface DependencyBranch
    from(type: any): DependencyGraphHelper;

class DependencyGraphHelper implements DependencyBranch
    private container: Container;
    private graphs: any[] = [];
    private isBranching: boolean;
    private branchNode: any;

    bind(identifier: any, type: any, isConstant: boolean = false): DependencyGraphHelper
        if (this.isBranching)
            console.error('Please specify which class to be branched from. Parameters: ', identifier, ' ', type);
        var parent = this.graphs[this.graphs.length - 1];
        var node = { identifier: identifier, type: type, parent: parent, isConstant: isConstant };
        return this;

    branch(identifier: any, type: any, isConstant: boolean = false): DependencyBranch
        if (this.graphs.length == 0)
            console.error('Dependency graph cannot start with a "branch". It must start with a "bind" function.Parameters: ', identifier, ' ', type);
        if (this.isBranching)
            console.error('Please specify which class to be branched from. Parameters: ', identifier, ' ', type);
        this.isBranching = true;
        this.branchNode = { identifier: identifier, type: type, isConstant: isConstant };
        return this;

    from(type: any): DependencyGraphHelper
        if (this.isBranching == false)
            console.error('A "from" function must be called after a "branch" function. Parameters: ', type);
        this.isBranching = false;
        var parent = this.graphs.filter(i => i.type == type).pop();
        this.branchNode.parent = parent;
        return this;

    registerTo(container: Container): void
        if (this.isBranching)
            console.error('Please specify which class to be branched from before call "register" function.');
        this.container = container;
        for (let index = 0; index < this.graphs.length; index++)
            const graph = this.graphs[index];
        this.graphs = [];
        this.container = null;

    private registerGraph(graph: any): void
        if (graph.isConstant)

    private bindTo(graph: any): void
        this.container.bind(graph.identifier).to(graph.type).when(request =>
            return this.recursiveCheckBindingCondition(request, graph);

    private bindToConstant(graph: any): void
        this.container.bind(graph.identifier).toConstantValue(graph.type).when(request =>
            return this.recursiveCheckBindingCondition(request, graph);

    private recursiveCheckBindingCondition(request: interfaces.Request, graph: any): boolean
        if (graph.parent == null)
            return true;
        var injected = when.injectInto(request, graph.parent.type) && this.recursiveCheckBindingCondition(request.parentRequest, graph.parent);
        return injected;

var dependencyGraph = new DependencyGraphHelper();
export { dependencyGraph };

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import { dependencyGraph } from "../../common/ioc-helper/dependency-graph-helper";
import { container } from "../../ioc/ioc-container";
import { MonkeyClimb } from "../monkey/monkey-climb";
import { MonkeyControl } from "../monkey/monkey-control";
import { MonkeyEat } from "../monkey/monkey-eat";
import { MonkeyFindFood } from "../monkey/monkey-find-food";
import { MonkeySwingThroughTheTree } from "../monkey/monkey-swing-through-the-tree";
import { MONKEY } from "./animal-ioc-config";

export default class DependenceGraphBinding
    public register(): void

    private registerMonkey(): void
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