for different kinds of informations.
How to play a bunch of lemmings
I've download a bunch of lemmings games for MS-DOS from an abandonware site (so there were all abandonwares). Since there were like six or seven different zip files (each different lemmings game), I used this script to unzip them:
for file in *Lemmings*.zip; do
# If the item is a file, add it to the array
if [[ -f "$file" ]]; then
for file in "${files[@]}"; do
#echo "make directory ${}"
# unzip into directory where directory name is the filename with extension
# removed.
echo unzipping "/my-downloads/$file" to "$HOME/my-dos/${}/"...
unzip "/my-downloads/$file" -d "$HOME/my-dos/${}/"
As you can see, each zip file was unzipped to a directory with same name as zip file's file name minus its .zip extension.
Since I have unzipped all files, now I needed a way to choose and execute each game. I came up with a way to list the executables (including .exe and .bat files) and choose the game to execute by line number.
I declared an associative array execs_dict
and populated it with the names of executables as keys and their path as values.
declare -A execs_dict
for exe in "L3D.EXE" "VGALEMMI.EXE" "l2p1.exe" "l2p2.exe" "vgalemmi.exe" "VGALEMM2.EXE" "L3F.EXE" "VGAL.EXE" "lemmings.bat" "L3.BAT" "VGALEMMI.BAT" "Lemmings.bat" "LEMMINGSH.B\
AT"; do
dir="$(find ~/my-dos -name $exe | tr '\/' '\\')"
The "LSD.EXE", "VGALEMMI.EXE",... are the game executables across different lemmings games I've unzipped.
First, I've changed all slashes in the path to backslashes (to be compatiable in dos). Since the paths are to be used inside dosbox, I've removed the leading /home/logan/mydos/
. The resulting string represents the path to the different lemmings executables including the path and executable file.
Now to implement a way to list all executables and to choose one of them using the line number:
# Initialize counter for line number
# Print the list of keys with line numbers
echo "Lemmings...:"
for key in "${!execs_dict[@]}"; do
echo "$counter) $key"
# Ask the user to choose a line number
echo -n "Enter the number: "
read choice
# Get the key corresponding to the chosen number
chosen_key=$(echo "${!execs_dict[@]}" | cut -d' ' -f$choice)
Here chosen_key
is the key of execs_dict
we've populated earlier. It will be used to execute the lemmings game later. So we've printed all lemmings executables (.exe and .bat files) one on each line. Then we chose the game to execute using the line number. Then, we figured out the key in execs_dict
which is the executable that we will run.
But there's a problem: when I run dosbox on linux, it will shorten any file names that are too long. It follows the so-called 8.3 convention. It means the part before the dot, the max length is eight characters. After the dot, the max is three characters. Before the dot, any name longer than eight characters long will be transformed: first six characters plus ~ and then a number (eg. ~1 or ~2).
I'll give an example. If the file name (could be a file or directory) is LEMMINGSISAWESOME.REALLY, this will be transformed to LEMMIN~1.REA. Do you get this?
Anyways, in order to run the game I must first shorten both directory and file names from the game executable path. So I wrote these functions shortenDir
, convertDir
, and convertExec
First shortenDir
# long dir names to dos 8.3 name
function shortenDir() {
if grep -q '\.' <<< "$1"; then
# get f and e where the filename comprised of f.e
f="$(cut -d'.' -f1 <<<"$1")"
e="$(cut -d'.' -f2 <<<"$1")"
#echo f: "$f"
#echo e: "$e"
# get length of f and e
n=$(($(wc -m <<<"$f")-1))
m=$(($(wc -m <<<"$e")-1))
#echo n: "$n"
#echo m: "$m"
# construct new name in the form a.b
if [[ "$n" -gt 8 ]]; then
a="$(cut -c1-6 <<< "$f")~1"
if [[ "$m" -gt 3 ]]; then
b="$(cut -c1-3 <<< "$e")"
# convert all lowercase to capitals
S="$(tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' <<< "$s")"
echo "$S"
n=$(($(wc -m <<<"$f")-1))
if [[ "$n" -gt 8 ]]; then
a="$(cut -c1-6 <<< "$f")~1"
# convert all lowercase to capitals
S="$(tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' <<< "$s")"
echo "$S"
This function will receive a single argument that is the long name to be converted according to the 8.3 rule. But we need more than that. We will receive a full path to the executable - something like D1\D2...\exec.bat. So we need to run the shortenDir function on each of D1, D2, ... Dn parts. So I wrote convertDir
function for this:
# use shortenDir function to convert all directories from a line
# and reassemble the line.
# We have:
# D1\D2\...\exec.bat
# and
# we want to shorten all D's: D1,D2,...
# then reassemble:
# S1\S2\...\Sn
function convertDir() {
# Split the string into components
IFS='\\' read -r -a components <<< "$base_path"
#echo components: "${components[@]}"
conv_d="" #converted dir
# Process each component
for component in "${components[@]}"; do
conv_d+="$(shortenDir "$component")"
# add back the exec.bat at the end
# chose to not add exec.bat at the end.
echo "$conv_d"
For technicality, it's easier to work with if I omit the exec.bat part at the end, so that's what this function will spit out. It takes a line D1\D2...\Dn\exec.bat as the single argument and converts it to S1\S2....\Sn, where Sn denotes a shortend directory name converted from Dn by shortenDir function.
Next, not only directory but an executable file name is also converted using the 8.3 rule. So we make another function convertExec
function convertExec() {
shortenDir "$1"
Now, we are ready to use these functions to convert a line of the form D1\D2...D2\exec.bat to S1\S2...\Sn and shortened.bat.
if [[ -n "$chosen_key" ]]; then
echo "Running ${chosen_key}..."
# Run the chosen executable
dosbox -c "mount C /home/logan/my-dos" -c "C:" -c "cd $(convertDir ${execs_dict[$chosen_key]})" -c "$(convertExec $chosen_key)" -conf ~/my-dos/lemmings-dosbox.conf
echo "Invalid choice or file not found."
The actual bash command that is executed is:
dosbox -c "mount C /home/logan/my-dos" -c "C:" -c "cd $(convertDir ${execs_dict[$chosen_key]})" -c "$(convertExec $chosen_key)" -conf ~/my-dos/lemmings-dosbox.conf
Using the -c
flag this allows me to run commands that will be run inside dosbox from command line:
mount C /home/logan/my-dos
cd path\to\lemmings\
Lastly, -conf
option allows me to load a conf file named lemmings-dosbox.conf
. I need this to set a screen resolution so the game is displayed in a decent size on my screen. Here's the content of the conf file:
That's about it! Now I'm happy that I can play some lemmings!!!! Have a blessed day!
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