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Backstage Consulting & Enterprise Support

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Backstage Consulting & Enterprise Support

Internal developer platform (IDP) experts building a tailored Backstage solution that improves developers’ productivity - for orgs of all sizes.

Why opt for Backstage consulting & support?

  • Backstage Adoption Roadmap
  • Expert-Led Backstage Deployment
  • Improve Developers’ Efficiency
  • Accelerate Development Practices
  • Workflow Optimization & Tool Integrations
  • Tailored & Customized Solutions

Explore Our Backstage Consulting & Support Capabilities

Leverage our Backstage consulting expertise to help you adopt, implement, and manage Backstage at scale.

  • Backstage Consulting & Adoption Strategy: Our team of experienced IDP consultants is here to guide you through the entire journey of adopting Backstage – from project scoping to onboarding your team. Evangelizing & having contributed to the CNCF’s platform engineering maturity model, we truly understand what it takes to build and deploy a platform.

InfraCloud provides expert advice on best practices, tailored solutions, integrations & plugins you need, and strategies that suit your specific business needs.

Our dedicated team of consultants help you gain a clear roadmap, ensuring that your Backstage implementation aligns seamlessly with your business goals.

  • Implement Production-Grade Backstage: Getting started with Backstage can be challenging. Our internal developer portal team specializes in implementing production-grade Backstage instances, so you can focus on core business functions that matter to you the most.

We’ll work with your team to design and deploy a tailored Backstage solution that optimizes collaboration, streamlines development workflows, and enhances your overall software delivery capabilities.

Our team holds your hand at every step of Backstage implementation – choosing the right infrastructure, having the necessary dependencies and prerequisites, defining data models, backups management, compliance and implementing security and monitoring.

  • Integration with Other Tools or Workflows: Backstage is designed to be the central hub for all your software-related activities by integrating with various tools and workflows. These integrations help streamline and centralize your development, operations, and collaboration processes.

Identifying which steps can be covered by Backstage, and for which steps do you need to integrate other tools and technologies.

We’ll help you integrate Backstage with your existing tools and workflow, ensuring a smooth flow of data and information between systems to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your development processes.

  • Backstage Support and Training: As you begin your Backstage journey, we are here to provide ongoing Backstage enterprise support. Never let your team’s productivity be hindered due to internal developer platform’s (IDP) glitches & slow process of discovering the solution via trial and error method.

Our dedicated Platform Engineering team offers Backstage enterprise support to resolve any issues, answer questions, and keep it environment running smoothly.

We also provide Backstage IDP training sessions, ensuring your team is equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to make the most of Backstage.

  • Scalability Planning: As your business grows, your software needs to scale as well. So your developer platform has to handle all the new documentations, users, softwares and complexities that come with scalability. Our Backstage expert team will build your internal developer portal for scalability from day 1.

We’ll assist in creating a scalability plan for your Backstage implementation, making sure it can handle increased demands without sacrificing performance.

Our team will make sure the integrations, plugins, and workflow scale with a high number of users, automation, and requests while IDP being secure and compliant.

  • Security and Compliance Integration: Our internal developer portal consultants can help you integrate security and compliance checks into your Backstage instance, ensuring your software development processes meet industry standards and regulations.

Making a developer platform with security best practices including authentication mechanisms, data encryption, testing updates before installing, secure plugins, and strong password policies.

Documentation of your security and compliance practices, including data handling, access control, and incident response to continuously train the new team members.

Why Choose InfraCloud for Platform Engineering Consulting Services?

  • Certified Developers: 170 in-house engineers, including 4 CKS, 51 CKA & 19 Certified Kubernetes Application Developers.
  • Domain Expertise: Part of the CNCF Platform Engineering Working Group and contributed to the Maturity Model.
  • First Mover Advantage: As India's first Kubernetes service provider, we offer unparalleled expertise.
  • Training: We focus on core concepts and practical experiences.
  • CNCF Certified Provider: InfraCloud is a CNCF Silver Member and Kubernetes Certified Service Provider (KCSP).
  • Expand Easily: Scale your team effortlessly with our support.

Ready to Get Started with Backstage?

Schedule a call with our experts to understand how our Backstage consulting & support services can help you.

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