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A Beginners Guide to Serverless API Gateway Authentication with Lambda Authorizer

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A Beginners Guide to Serverless API Gateway Authentication with Lambda Authorizer

Understanding how to authenticate users via an API Gateway can be a challenging yet essential skill for developers, especially when dealing with third-party identity providers (IdPs) like Okta or Active Directory. This guide provides a clear, step-by-step explanation of the authentication flow using a Lambda Authorizer, making it easy for beginners to grasp.

The Authentication Flow

User Authentication:

The process begins when users enter their user ID and password into a login form. They send these credentials to a third-party IdP, such as Okta or Active Directory.
If the credentials are valid, the IdP authenticates the user and returns a token (often a JSON Web Token, or JWT). This token serves as proof that the user has been successfully authenticated.

API Call with Token:

Next, the user wants to access a resource via the API Gateway. To do this, they include the received token in the header of their API request.
This token is essential because it tells the API Gateway that the user is who they claim to be. Without this token, the request will be denied.

Lambda Authorizer for Validation:

Since you are not using AWS Cognito and are instead relying on a third-party IdP, a Lambda Authorizer comes into play. This is a custom piece of code that you write to validate the token.
When the API Gateway receives the request, it invokes the Lambda Authorizer. The authorizer extracts the token from the request header and checks its validity by communicating with the third-party IdP.

Authorization with IAM Policies:

Once the token is validated, the Lambda Authorizer also determines what actions the user is allowed to perform. This is done by specifying IAM policies within the authorizer.
These IAM policies dictate what AWS resources the user can access and what actions they can perform. For example, a user might have permission to read data from a database but not to write to it. The API Gateway then checks these policies against AWS IAM to ensure compliance.

Backend Invocation:

If the IAM policy allows the requested action, the API Gateway proceeds to invoke the intended backend service, which could be another Lambda function, an AWS service, or any other resource.
At this stage, the user’s request is processed, and they receive the desired response.

Special Note

It’s important to remember that the Lambda Authorizer does not need to validate the token for every single API call. To enhance performance and reduce latency, you can implement caching for the authorizer’s responses. This means that once a token is validated, subsequent requests with the same token can be processed faster.

Understanding this authentication flow is vital for anyone working with serverless architectures. Take the time to familiarize yourself with each step, practice explaining the process, and consider building a small project that implements these concepts. This knowledge will not only help you in interviews but will also empower you in real-world applications.

Terraform Template

To help you implement this flow, here’s a basic previous Terraform template that sets up an API Gateway with a Lambda Authorizer:

  resource "aws_api_gateway_rest_api" "api" {
    name        = "MyAPI"
    description = "API Gateway with Lambda Authorizer"
  resource "aws_api_gateway_resource" "resource" {
    rest_api_id = aws_api_gateway_rest_api.api.id parent_id = aws_api_gateway_rest_api.api.root_resource_id
    path_part   = "example"
  resource "aws_api_gateway_method" "method" {
    rest_api_id   = aws_api_gateway_rest_api.api.id resource_id = aws_api_gateway_resource.resource.id http_method = "GET" authorization = "CUSTOM"
    authorizer_id = aws_api_gateway_authorizer.authorizer.id } resource "aws_api_gateway_authorizer" "authorizer" {
    rest_api_id = aws_api_gateway_rest_api.api.id name = "MyLambdaAuthorizer"
    authorizer_uri = "${aws_lambda_function.authorizer.invoke_arn}"
    type        = "REQUEST"
    identity_source = "method.request.header.Authorization"
  output "api_endpoint" {
    value = "${aws_api_gateway_rest_api.api.invoke_url}/example"
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Here you will find the GitHub repository containing the code and instructions.

GitHub Repository - Coming Soon!

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