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How to install ansible and run your first ansible Ad-Hoc Command.
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Install Ansible and Run Your First Playbook
Create two EC2 instances:
- Main instance: Install Ansible.
- Target instance: The system to configure.
Step 1: Install Ansible on the Main Instance
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ansible
Verify Installation:
ansible --version
Step 2: Set Up Passwordless Authentication
On the Main Instance:
- Generate an SSH Key Pair:
The public key is usually located at ~/.ssh/
Copy the Public Key:
Open the file with a text editor (e.g.,
) and copy its contents.
On the Target Instance:
- Log in:
ssh <username>@<target_server_ip>
Paste the Public Key into
vim ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Save changes with :wq
- Test SSH: From the main instance:
ssh <target_server_ip>
Passwordless authentication should now work.
Step 3: Create an Inventory File
- Create a file named
Step 4: Run Ad-Hoc Commands
- Run a Command Across All Servers:
ansible -i inventory all -m shell -a "command_to_execute"
- Example:
ansible -i inventory webservers -m shell -a "ls -la"
Step 5: Write and Run Playbooks
Create a Playbook (e.g.,
- name: Update and upgrade systems
hosts: all
become: yes
- name: Update package lists
update_cache: yes
- name: Upgrade packages
upgrade: yes
- Run the Playbook:
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i inventory
By following these steps, you’ll have a basic Ansible setup to manage your infrastructure effortlessly.
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