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Acting Lessons for Scala Engineers With Akka and Zio
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In November 2020 I had the great privilege to do a Talk at Scale By The Bay Conference.
Here is the recording of my talk
I also wrote three blogs posts as a companion to my talk
Introduction to the Actor Model
akka Article's
19 articles in total
Understanding the Actor Design Pattern: A Practical Guide to Build Actor Systems with Akka in Java
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Alpakka Kafka and Clojure
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Ditch the Message Broker, Go Faster
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ProtoBuf message serialization in Akka.NET using protobuf-net
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Akka and Actor Model
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gRPC test-and-try with Akka Serverless and Evans
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Postman-powered testing of Akka Serverless gRPC APIs
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Build Real-time Presence For Chat, Social and other Virtual Events
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Distributed Real-Time Turkey Cooking With Scala, Akka Serverless and Kafka
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Scala Developer
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Acting Lessons for Scala Engineers With Akka and Zio
currently reading
Video Analytics in Scala with Akka Actors, FFmpeg, GraphicsMagick, OpenCV and OpenIMAJ
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Back-Pressure strategy: AWS SQS polling from a sharded Akka Cluster running on Kubernetes
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Flow to Source implementation with Akka streams
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Akka streams exception handling
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Akka Cluster, Kubernetes and More
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A Cameo that is worth an Oscar
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Reusable response collectors in Akka
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Aspiring to be a sparring partner of CTOs
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