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How to generate an executable file for an AI program using SPVM ?
Published at
Yuki Kimoto
Wouldn't you like to output a single executable file from your AI program? Then, you can run the AI ​​program just by copying the executable file to the Raspberry Pi. Here's how to achieve this using SPVM. Here's an example of image recognition using MINIST as an example of AI using deep learning.
SPVM program
This is an AI program to recognize images using MINIST data.
It is writen by SPVM and SPVM::R.
Install dependent modules.
cpanm SPVM cpanm SPVM::Errno cpanm SPVM::File::Basename cpanm SPVM::File::Spec cpanm SPVM::FindBin cpanm SPVM::Math cpanm SPVM::Regex cpanm SPVM::Sys cpanm SPVM::Time::Local cpanm SPVM::Time::Piece cpanm SPVM::IO cpanm SPVM::R
Execute an SPVM program.
spvm -I network_lib/SPVM my_minist_app.spvm
Generate an executable file and execute it.
spvmcc -I network_lib/SPVM -o my_minist_app my_minist_app.spvm ./my_minist_app
I'm not an AI expert, but if you are, I think you can modify this.
If you're interested in parallelization using threads and goroutines, see also:
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