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Yoga for Techies
HI!!!!, I am Yukendhiran, a tech enthusiast, and in this article, I will share my personal experience with yoga
Since I was a child, I have been using gadgets and staring at screens, especially as I used to watch my brother play video games. After I reached 3rd grade, he gave me a PSP, and I have been using digital screens ever since.
There have been some weeks where I continuously watched screens, like completing a whole season of 24 episodes in a day. Surprisingly, I never had any issues like my family members who had to wear glasses at some point, nor did I experience any back pain or other problems, even though I don't engage in much physical activity like going out to play.
I don't even eat very healthy. However, I have been practicing yoga since my childhood. During elementary school, we used to do yoga daily at 5 o'clock until 5th grade. After that, I didn't do yoga for many years, but when I started again in 9th grade, I was able to regain flexibility within a couple of weeks.
The best part is that anyone can learn yoga without needing anyone else's help. I'm going to share basic rules and a compiled list of yoga routines that promote overall well-being for everyone.
The basic rules of yoga are as follows:
Choose the best time for your yoga practice, preferably early morning (5 AM - 8 AM) or late afternoon (4 PM - 7 PM). However, you can practice at any time that suits you, ensuring you haven't eaten anything at least two hours before starting.
Focus on your breath during yoga. Inhale when you are expanding your body and exhale when you are contracting it. For instance, when you bend your body to touch your legs, you are compressing your body, so exhale. When you return to the normal position, you expand, so inhale.
Avoid forcing yourself into challenging poses. Go at your own pace and gradually work on improving flexibility over time.
Maintain silence and avoid talking to others during your yoga practice. Also, try to avoid swallowing saliva frequently as it can disturb your focus and breath.
Aim to hold each pose for at least 1 minute. If you can't do that, hold them for as long as you comfortably can. You may continue beyond 1 minute if you feel comfortable, but avoid forcing yourself.
Try practicing with closed eyes; it will increase your concentration
Feel free to listen to music or a song during your practice if you wish to. I usually do to keep track of time and finish easily. The key is to make your yoga experience enjoyable and well-suited to your preferences.
I am not going to teach you yoga, but I will share the list so you can easily find tutorials for that.
Yoga list :
Sun Salutation - Surya Namaskar
One Foot Pose - Ekpadasana
Headstand - Sirsasana
Shoulder Stand - Sarvangasana
Plow Pose - Halasana
Cat-Cow Pose - Chakravakasana
Camel Pose - Ustrasana
Seated Forward Bend - Paschimottanasana
Half Lord of the Fishes Pose - Ardha Matsyendrasana
Cobra Pose - Bhujangasana
Downward Facing Dog Pose - Adho Mukha Svanasana
Wheel Pose - Chakrasana
Warrior Pose - Veerabhadrasana
If you have any medical condition, please reach out to experts for guidance.
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