for different kinds of informations.
Marketing your Product effectively
Often I've come across what can only be describe as a Beg-Ad. That's:
I built something, please, pretty please, buy my thing!
Now you might be thinking, it's free, it's open source, I'm not selling anything. But the truth is you are selling yourself, and the best ad isn't one where you streak through the night hoping people will see you. Want to do it in a refined and tasteful yet visible way.
So what's the best way to do so without coming across as spammy and self-promotional?
Let's say you have a homomorphic enabled analytic event testing
So, you wait. And then wait, and then likely wait some more, and potentially months or years from now someone might ask "Hey I really need an open source tool to monitor homomorphic enabled analytic event testing, what's available".
Which is your tool, OMG, someone wants my tool.
Although, the actual ask is unfortunately going to be instead: "I have no idea what the problem I'm having is but it looks like ....random gibberish..." and then that's the moment you are like "OMG, that's my thing, that's what we do, do you want me to share that with you", and then you share it, and everyone is happy!
If you post it now without waiting, some people might see it, but almost no one will remember or care because it probably isn't the immediate problem they are solving, and if they get to the problem later they likely can't remember who or what it is was. For everyone that doesn't care about that thing, it becomes instant spam :sad:. That by the way is what it is like when you post on Product Hunt.
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