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Default Exports vs Named Exports

Published at
Vladimir Vovk
Default Exports vs Named Exports
export default function A() {}

// vs

export function A() {}

I think that both methods are good. But I can see some advantages of named exports.

Named exports will not allow to implicitly change the import name

// No error with default export
import Button from '../components/Text'
// now we have a "Button" component 
// which is actually a "Text" component

// TypeScript will throw and error 
// if import and export names don't match
import { Button } from '../components/Text'
// we will get an error here

Named exports are easier to re-export and organise

Imagine we have several UI components inside components folder. Each component in a separate file: components/Header.tsx, components/Text.tsx, components/Button.tsx, etc.

Now to be able to import these components as import { Header, Text, Button } from '../components' we just need to create the components/index.ts.

export * from './Header'
export * from './Text'
export * from './Button'

Compare to the default exports where will need to write:

export { default as Header } from './Header'
export { default as Text } from './Text'
export { default as Button } from './Button'

Named exports are shorter to write

export function Component() {}
// or 
export const Component = () => {}

Compared to default exports:

export default function Component() {}
// or 
const Component = () => {}
export default Component

If you have any questions or comments, please post them below, press 💖 button and happy hacking! 🙌🏻


Photo by Sergey Sokolov on Unsplash

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