for different kinds of informations.
Portable Android Coding setup with Termux
So, recently I was away from my home town. And since I was not carrying any Laptop I had no efficient way to practice coding, Data Structures or Algorithms since I am doing Competitive programming from Codechef.
But I still had my smartphone so why not just use it. I knew this app before called "TERMUX" but never tried it. So now its time to use it.
So "TERMUX" is a terminal app with whole lot of functionality. The app is just 173kb of course with no modules install by default.
- Download Termux --> Termux - Apps on Google Play
Lets start with setup, firstly run this commands to update APT and install Vim or Nano Code editor.
// "TERMUX" uses APT & PKG package manager to install packages.
//Update apt
>>> apt update
//Install Vim or Nano
>>> apt install vim
>>> apt install nano
So in this blog lets see how we can have basic Python & C++ coding Environment in Termux.
First thing is installing Python and C++, lets start.
Setting up Python
#Install Python
>>> apt install python // This will also install pip.
#Run python
>>> python
#Then type your code and and press enter 2x to run the code.
#To exit python
>>> exit()
#Running python files.
#To create .py files with Vim
>>> vim
#To create .py files with Nano
>>> Nano
#Next the Editor will open type your code
#To save ur code simply press esc then type
>>> :wq
#To run the code
>>> python
#Install python packages
>>> pip install <package>
Setting up C++
#Install c++ compiler
>>> apt install clang++ // This will also install pip.
#Running c++ files.
#To create .cpp files with Vim
>>> vim
#To create .py files with Nano
>>> Nano
#Next the Editor will open type your code
#To save ur code simply press esc then type
>>> :wq
#To compile the code
>>> clang++ -Wall -std=c++11 -o test
#To run the code
>>> ./filename
Fun Tricks with Termux
1 . Cow Says Your Name In Termux:
>>> pkg install cowsay
>>> cowsay anytexthere
2 . Running Train in Termux :
>>> pkg install sl
>>> sl
3 . Turn Your Termux Into Fire Place 🔥:
>>> pkg install libcaca
>>> cacafire
4 . Generate Banner Of Your Name in Termux:
>>> pkg install toilet
>>> toilet -f mono12 -F gay anytexthere
5 . Matrix Effect in Termux :
>>> pkg install cmatrix
>>> cmatrix
6. Browse Internet Using Termux :
>>> pkg install w3m
>>> w3m
7. Read Quotes in Termux:
>>> pkg install fortune -y
>>> fortune
8. See World Map In Termux:
>>> telnet
9. Weather Forcast In Termux:
>>> curl
Hacking tools with Termux
1. Nmap
>>> pkg update && pkg upgrade -y
>>> pkg install curl
>>> pkg install Nmap
2. Hydra
>>> pkg update && pkg upgrade -y
>>> pkg install hydra
3. Metasploit
>>> pkg update && pkg upgrade -y
>>> pkg install unstable-repo
>>> pkg install Metasploit
4. SQLmap
>>> pkg update && pkg upgrade -y
>>> apt install python python2
>>> pkg install git
>>> git clone
>>> cd sqlmap
>>> chmod +x
>>> python
5. Wireshark
>>> apt update && apt upgrade -y
>>> pkg install xterm
>>> apt install tigervnc
>>> apt install tigervnc-viewer
>>> pkg install x11-repo
>>> apt install Wireshark-gtk
6. Social Engineering Toolkit
>>> pkg update && pkg upgrade -y
>>> apt install curl -y
>>> curl -LO
>>> sh
>>> cd setoolkit
>>> ./ install
>>> ./setoolkit
7. Nikto
>>> apt update && apt upgrade
>>> pkg install git
>>> pkg install Perl
>>> git clone
>>> cd nikto
>>> cd program
8. Tool-X
>>> pkg update && pkg upgrade -y
>>> pkg install git
>>> git clone
>>> cd Tool-X
>>> chmod +x install.aex
>>> sh install. aex
>>> ./install.aex
>>> Tool-X
9. Fsociety Toolkit
>>> pkg update && pkg upgrade
>>> pkg install git
>>> pkg install python2
>>> git clone
>>> cd fsociety
>>> chmod +x
10. Slowrolis
>>> pkg update && pkg upgrade -y
>>> pkg install Python
>>> pkg install slowloris
>>> slowloris
This are some Coding and Tricks you can do with Termux there is much more you can use in Termux so explore it and unleash the true power of your smartphone.
You have the PC right in your hands so no more reasons for procrastinating.
Hope you like this blog. ❤️
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