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Domain-Driven Design (DDD) in AWS. Find Your Business Domains.
This article is an introduction to Domain-Driven Design and how it can be used with AWS. I will provide guidance on how to define business domains in legacy monolithic applications and decompose them into a set of microservices step by step. By starting with Domain-Driven Design for your microservices, you can get the benefits of cloud scaling in your new refactored application.
Is Domain-Driven Design usefull for me?
The purpose of Domain-Driven Design is to free the domain code from technical details to have more room to work with its complexity. It is well suited to work with very complex domains and projects that are starting to dive into legacy.
Domain-Driven Design requires an understanding of the business idea or understanding of the final 'business product'. It requires time and commitment from both business experts and technical implementers. Domain-Driven Design should not be used in situations where you need 'quick solutions'. Instead, use Domain-Driven Design for software that supports the core business area rather than supporting areas. Running Domain-Driven Design can be achieved through an event-storming session. However, as mentioned above, this is a commitment worth making. It will allow you to develop software that is more tailored to the needs of your end clients. It will also help create decoupled services that are more scalable and maintainable. The combination will result in greater business agility.
Event Storming
Event Storming helps teams of business and technical people come to a consensus on what the solution should be. This happens without being distracted by the specific implementation details of how it will be implemented. This means, that it may take longer for the teams to start providing source code. However, all teams will be better aligned as to what each microservice should be responsible for. The event storming workshop is a brainstorming session. In this session all stakeholders in the solution work together to define the business events that correspond to the domains.
Suppose, we have a commerce development task where the business event might be a customer who applies for a new product. During the workshop, the group will begin to identify the object that triggered the event, the processes that should occur as a result, and any subsequent event triggered by the original event.
To do this, a team brainstorming session takes place where the event groups can identify areas of their business and then the contexts in which they operate. These can be used to define the usage and the relationship that occurs between each microservice and itโs context. Once the domains have been defined with the help of the business experts, the technical implementers can start designing the solution.
The result of the event-storming session is a domain model for development. The domain model can be used to define a number of bounded contexts.
Bounded Contexts
A bounded context is the boundary where each domain applies. The order contract opening example can be thought of as the 'Order Contract Opening Context' in a shop. In a complete system, there may be other contexts such as the product context, the description context and the manufacturing context. Identifying the business events that cause interactions between the different constrained contexts helps to determine how your microservices will interact with each other in the new architecture.
The example context map is just a sample of the core domains. There are also a number of supporting and subsequent domains. Although it is necessary to have a service that manages these, this is not part of the core application domain for sending products.
Core Domains and refactoring
When you start defining "Core Domains and Subsequent Domains" the question that usually arises is how to manage requests between domains.To do this, we'll look at options for using AWS services for how domains can be implemented.
Containerisation or serverless diagram of such solutions would rather be a 'modern architecture' than a good old-fashioned network and virtual machine deployment diagram. The advantage of these solutions is that the diagram itself helps to actually outline, what the logical functionality is, since we can be more expressive and fine-grained with resource usage.
The undisputed king of serverless computing platforms has been AWS LambdaAWS Lambda for several years now. It satisfies all the aforementioned conditions and can be used in a number of languages/implementations, including TypeScript.
Other viable options might include some of the more well-known container services such as AWS ECS or AWS EKS wrapped Fargate. However, they require considerably more setup and configuration, and also require that containerization actually takes place. It doesn't mean that containerisation is bad, in general containerisation can be good, it all depends on your development idea whether it's refactoring into microservices or starting a new application.
If you need Eventing then here it is Simple Notification Service (SNS). It is a push-based service, i.e. it automatically handles the distribution of the event to the recipients. SNS uses a pay-per-use model and it is essentially serverless as the only infrastructure you need is the SNS subject.
The modern cloud is about using its own API products to expose its applications, rather than building something of its own with Fastify, Kong or the like.
The API gateway acts as the only public interface connected to any other infrastructure, in our case primarily our Lambda compute functions, which will respond to paths defined in the gateway. In the case of AWS the service of interest, unsurprisingly, is called the AWS API Gateway.
The following diagram shows how monolith receives some of the traffic during the gradual addition of new microservices in the example application.
There is also AWS Migration Hub, it will help you in finding your domains and even offer AWS services that you can implement. This will help you to plan a refactoring or plan for migrating from your old OnPrem solutions to AWS with all modern solutions.
To summarise, people just don't tend to talk about 'domains' all day. Most employees do not pay attention to the implementation of domains in the organisation.
It is also worth noting that dividing systems into domains after they have been fully designed is also useless. DDD should be done, at least approximately, at the initial design stage.
But in any case, DDD is the place to be. In the example of using DDD in AWS it looks simple but when you start to go deeper here you find a lot of services where they all have to be interconnected and here comes the methods and dependencies. That's why it's very important to create a structure at the beginning of the work.
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