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Finding the original mp4 video of a GIPHY Capture

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Thor Galle
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Finding the original mp4 video of a GIPHY Capture

What if you're using GIPHY's fun Capture tool on macOS, spend some time creating recordings, only to realize that GIFs are not the best format for your recordings?[^1] Or, you just want to archive/share/reuse a higher-quality version of your recording?

The tool does not offer a solution to export the original recordings, but it does store them somewhere! And that somewhere is here:

/Users/YOUR_USERNAME/Library/Containers/com.fasthatchapps.gifgrabberosx/Data/Documents{% raw %}`


You can enter this directory by hitting `Shift+Cmd+G` in Finder, copy-pasting the above path, replacing `YOUR_USERNAME` with your username into the above path, and clicking "Go".

Hope this helps someone on the internet (hi! 👋).

## How did I find this?

All thanks to the nifty tool [AppCleaner](https://freemacsoft.net/appcleaner/). It's intended to erase programs from your Mac entirely, but it seems to work just as well as a forensic tool.


[^1]: GIFs are enormously inefficient and bulky compared to MPEG/web format videos. Too bad we're stuck with them for our daily dose of internet madness.

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