for different kinds of informations.
Software Engineering Workflow
Published at
Spencer Lepine
This is a collection of resources and my general workflow for Software Engineering. Note: workstation is running MacOS.
- Homebrew - package manager for linux-based OSs.
- Git - version control, manage files during project development
- Node.js + Nvm - runtime for javascript without a browser
- Npm - large organization of libraries/packages available to use in projects.
- Python 3 - python language interpreter for python ^3.0.0.
- MySQL - SQL database software for development
- Redis - real time data storage with different data structures in a cache
- Heroku CLI - manager for Heroku apps from the command line
- Amazon CLI - manager for AWS services from the command line
Other Software:
- Chrome - main browser with debugging tools
- Postman - API platform for easy endpoint testing
- Flux - screen eye strain assistance
- GIMP - photo editing software
Toy problems:
Note taking:
- MacOS Quick Action: Open Folder from finder -> Configure Quick Action
- ESLint Extension - Integrates ESLint JavaScript into VS Code.
- Bracket Pair Colorizer Extension - A customizable extension for colorizing matching brackets
- Open In Default Browser Extension - A VSCode extension to fast open html file in browser
- Stylelint Extension - Modern CSS/SCSS/Less linter
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Interested in working together?
Follow my journey or connect with me here:
- LinkedIn: /in/spencerlepine
- Email: [email protected]
- Portfolio:
- GitHub: @spencerlepine
- Twitter: @spencerlepine
12 articles in total
Demystifying Bash and Zsh on Mac
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Git Project Configuration With Husky and ESLint
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ManyShiba - The World's Greatest Twitter Bot
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Portfolio Site Continuous Integration GitHub Action
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Quickly Open GitHub Repo in Browser From Terminal
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TypeScript Development Set Up for VSCode
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What I Learned During 100DaysOfCode
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Software Engineering Workflow
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Preparing for My Amazon Front End Engineer Interview
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