for different kinds of informations.
Database Indexing Internals Part III
B+ Tree Extensions
B+ Tree File Organization
It's a logical method of representing B+ Tree Nodes in a tree structure in a file. They are going to have the pointers ultimately which will initiate another disk I/O to fetch the next index node and ultimately the leaf node which has the pointer to the node.
Indexing Strings
Creating B+-tree indices on string-valued attributes raises two problems. The first problem is that strings can be of variable length. The second problem is that strings can be
long, leading to a low fanout and a correspondingly increased tree height.
The fanout of nodes can be increased by using a technique called prefix compression. With prefix compression, we do not store the entire search key value at nonleaf
nodes. We only store a prefix of each search key value that is sufficient to distinguish
between the key values in the subtrees that it separates. For example, if we had an index on names, the key value at a nonleaf node could be a prefix of a name; it may suffice to store “Silb” at a nonleaf node, instead of the full “Silberschatz” if the closest values in the two subtrees that it separates are, say, “Silas” and “Silver” respectively.
Bulk Loading of B+-Tree Indices
Insertion of a large number of entries at a time into an index is referred to as bulk loading of the index. An efficient way to perform bulk loading of an index is as follows:
First, create a temporary file containing index entries for the relation, then sort the file on the search key of the index being constructed, and finally scan the sorted file
and insert the entries into the index.
There are efficient algorithms for sorting large relations, which can sort even a large file with an I/O cost comparable to that of reading the file a few times, assuming a reasonable amount of main memory is available.
There is a significant benefit to sorting the entries before inserting them into the B+-tree. When the entries are inserted in sorted order, all entries that go to a particular leaf node will appear consecutively, and the leaf needs to be written out only once;
nodes will never have to be read from disk during bulk load, if the B+-tree was empty to start with. Each leaf node will thus incur only one I/O operation even though many entries may be inserted into the node.
If each leaf contains 100 entries, the leaf level will contain 1 million nodes, resulting in only 1 million I/O operations for creating the leaf level. Even these I/O operations can be expected to be sequential, if successive leaf nodes are allocated on successive disk blocks, and few disk seeks would be required. With magnetic disks, 1 millisecond per block is a reasonable estimate for mostly sequential I/O operations, in contrast to 10 milliseconds per block for random I/O operations.
If the B+-tree is initially empty, it can be constructed faster by building it bottom-up, from the leaf level, instead of using the usual insert procedure. In bottom-up B+ tree construction, after sorting the entries as we just described, we break up the sorted
entries into blocks, keeping as many entries in a block as can fit in the block; the resulting blocks form the leaf level of the B+-tree.
The minimum value in each block, along with the pointer to the block, is used to create entries in the next level of the B+-tree, pointing to the leaf blocks. Each further level of the tree is similarly constructed using the minimum values associated with each node one level below, until the root is created.
B Tree Index Files
Mostly databases only use B+ Tree index structures since the benefits outweigh the usage of B Tree Index. So I am not going to go into it.
Indexing on Flash Storage
Flash storage is structured as pages, and the B+-tree index structure can be used with flash based SSDs. SSDs provide much faster random I/O operations than magnetic disks, requiring only around 20 to 100 microseconds for a random page read, instead of about 5 to 10 milliseconds with magnetic disks. Thus, lookups run much faster with data on SSDs, compared to data on magnetic disks.
The performance of write operations is more complicated with flash storage. An important difference between flash storage and magnetic disks is that flash storage does not permit in-place updates to data at the physical level, although it appears to do so logically. Every update turns into a copy+write of an entire flash-storage page, requiring the old copy of the page to be erased subsequently.
A new page can be written in 20 to 100 microseconds, but eventually old pages need to be erased to free up the pages for
further writes. Erases are done at the level of blocks containing multiple pages, and a block erase takes 2 to 5 milliseconds.
The optimum B+-tree node size for flash storage is smaller than that with magnetic disk, since flash pages are smaller than disk blocks; it makes sense for tree-node sizes to match to flash pages, since larger nodes would lead to multiple page writes when a
node is updated. Although smaller pages lead to taller trees and more I/O operations to access data, random page reads are so much faster with flash storage that the overall impact on read performance is quite small.
Although random I/O is much cheaper with SSDs than with magnetic disks, bulk loading still provides significant performance benefits, compared to tuple-at-a-time insertion, with SSDs. In particular, bottom-up construction reduces the number of page writes compared to tuple-at-a-time insertion, even if the entries are sorted on the search key. Since page writes on flash cannot be done in place and require relatively expensive block erases at a later point in time, the reduction of number of page writes with bottom-up B+-tree construction provides significant performance benefits.
Several extensions and alternatives to B+-trees have been proposed for flash storage, with a focus on reducing the number of erase operations that result due to page rewrites. One approach is to add buffers to internal nodes of B+-trees and record updates temporarily in buffers at higher levels, pushing the updates down to lower levels
lazily. The key idea is that when a page is updated, multiple updates are applied together, reducing the number of page writes per update. Another approach creates multiple trees and merges them; the log-structured merge tree and its variants are based on this idea.
Thats it for this blog. More coming soon.
Part I: Database Indexing Internals Explained
Part II: B+ Trees Blog from PlanetScale
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