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State of the WebAssembly 2022

Published at
Sendil Kumar
State of the WebAssembly 2022

The State of the WebAssembly 2022 is out ๐ŸŽ‰

Languages in the WASM world

Unsurprisingly Rust Language dominates the most used and most wanted to use language. I am also super excited to see Blazor adoption is increasing!

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JavaScript surprisingly is the second highly used language. As the report mentions "there is an increasing usecase where they compile the JavaScript engine itself into WASM and execute on it".


Web Applications is still the number 1 use case for WebAssembly but it is on the decline. I believe it is because, folks started to realise that WebAssembly is not a silver bullet for performance. It supports only some use cases

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Super fascinated to see WASM dominating serverless + Cloud world! Docker replacement coming soon...

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Runtime & Features

As expected wasmerio wasmtime dominates the runtime. If you haven't tried them, then give them a shot :)

My getting started post on wasmtime.

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What next to SIMD? The threads proposal is the top feature requested by the community in the web world. On the server side I/O operations lead the list.

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WebAssembly needs proper debugging & building support and enable non-browser APIs in the future. This is interesting as the first two will give enormous Developer Experience while the latter focus on the server side Wasm

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If you want to get started on the WASM with Rust - checkout my Dev.to series

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