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Neuer: The End of Framework Slavery

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Ryo Suwito
4 categories in total
Neuer: The End of Framework Slavery

Hey there, Are You a Framework Slave?

Here’s how to tell:

  1. You spend 30 minutes configuring a router… just to make a nested widget work.
  2. You “drill props” deeper than oil companies.
  3. Your React useEffect dependencies are longer than your grocery list.
  4. Your Vue watchers are fighting with each other like your in-laws at Thanksgiving.
  5. Your Angular DI system feels like you’re wiring a nuclear reactor.

Sound familiar? Then, friend, you might be a framework slave.

Neuer: For the Liberated Developer

Unlike those bloated “micro-frameworks” (cough, cough), Neuer is lightweight, modular, and declarative.

Imagine this:

  • No global reducers.
  • No prop drilling.
  • No convoluted APIs.

You just define your components, drop them in, and watch them work—whether they’re in light DOM, shadow DOM, nested routers, or intergalactic hyperspace.

How Neuer Delivers the Punch

Imagine a dashboard where:

  • Every widget manages its own routes.
  • Nested routers just work.
  • No boilerplate. No collisions. No debugging tears.

With Neuer:

  • Each router is self-governing.
  • Each component is modular and scoped.
  • And you can still style and interact with pure HTML or shadow DOM magic.

Meanwhile, the “micro-framework devs” are still stuck wiring their 15th global provider.

Real Code, Real Proof

Behold the Power of Neuer

<div class="content">
    <!-- Global Router -->
    <neuer-router data-history="true">
        <div slot="navigation">
            <neuer-link href="/home">Home</neuer-link>
            <neuer-link href="/about">About</neuer-link>
            <neuer-link href="/contact">Contact</neuer-link>

    <!-- Nested Router -->
        <div slot="navigation">
            <neuer-link href="/contact">
                <button class="btn btn-success">Call Mom</button>
            <neuer-link href="/about">About My Mom</neuer-link>
        <div slot="app">
            <p class="text-info">Hello champ!!</p>
            <neuer-link href="/home">Hi Mom! I'm Coming Home</neuer-link>
                This is an alert message!
                <neuer-link href="/contact">
                    <span class="btn btn-danger">I'm in danger Mom!</span>

What Makes This So Damn Good?

Neuer Doesn't Care How Deep Your Rabbit Hole Goes

Look at that nested router. It’s managing its own navigation while the global router tracks the top-level history. You didn’t need to configure a massive state tree. You didn’t drill props through 10 layers. You didn’t call useContext or pray to the debugging gods. You just dropped in a neuer-router and got on with your life.

“Random Link” Test? Passed

What about that neuer-link buried deep inside an alert-component? It works. Automatically. It didn’t break because it couldn’t find a router. It didn’t scream at you about missing props. It just did its job.

Bootstrap-Ready Without Build Nonsense

The buttons styled with btn-success and btn-danger? Straight out of Bootstrap. Neuer doesn’t care. Your framework doesn’t need to rebuild itself because you used a class name. It works seamlessly with global styles and encapsulated shadow DOM.

Shadow DOM Comfort Zone

Oh, and speaking of shadow DOM—every Neuer component lives there. No CSS leakage. No accidental overwrites. It’s scoped, secure, and perfect for the modern web.

Why Neuer Leaves Frameworks in the Dust

Infinite Modularity

With Neuer, every component is self-governing. Your global app doesn’t interfere with your nested routers. Your widgets are completely isolated. It’s like having a city where every house has its own power plant. No blackouts here, champ.

Your Content, Your Rules

Want a link inside an alert inside a nested router? Cool. Want a button styled by Bootstrap in a shadow DOM component? Done. Neuer doesn’t assume—it adapts.

Zero Boilerplate

No configs. No lifecycle hacks. No begging your framework to do what should be obvious. You write HTML, Neuer handles the rest.

Liberation Starts Here

Other frameworks trap you in their world. Neuer sets you free in yours.

Build better. Build faster. Build smarter.

Because in the end, it’s your app—not the framework’s.

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